possesive. (shy male reader)

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It was late at night when Astarion slowly stirred awake.

He rolled over in his bedroll and tried to fall back asleep, that was until.. He heard you.

There you were, unaware of him gazing upon you.

Astarion had always hated your guts, and he made sure you knew that. He would always "accidentally" trip you, pushing you aside when he could've just walked around you, and always making fun of your voice for being too girly with the others.

You had always been so shy and timid. You had this certain innocence about your doe-like eyes that made Astarion's blood boil. It annoyed the living shit out of him. He always thought it was just an act, but the truth was that you had social anxiety. You had a smaller and more feminine frame than most men, which made you a target for everyone's criticism. Not to mention your voice.. You were deathly afraid of speaking and others and talking, unless it was with your best friend, wyll.

As Astarion watched you walk by his bedroll he slowly crawled out of bed, curious as to where you were going. Or maybe he just wanted to find something to hate you more for. As he followed you, sneaking around like it was his mission. He felt his eyes wandering over your figure, yet he caught himself.

The thing I would- no! He's gross.

He thought to himself as he watched you walk.

He soon figured out where you were going.. To wyll. Wyll was sitting by the campfire, he appeared to be waiting for you. And when he spotted you his eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Hey there, my love."

Something about the way he said that.. The way he looked at you.. His body language. It all made Astarion's blood boil. You weren't even his, he was supposed to hate you! Yet he felt a surge of possessiveness, he wanted you all to himself.

He watched behind a tree as you gave Wyll a flirty smile.

"Hi, pretty boy..."

You said quietly as you stepped closer to him. He couldn't stand seeing you too so close, it made his heart ache. It was as if his most prized possession was being taken from him.

Wyll stood up and took a step towards you. His eyes were locked on yours, not even noticing until he was right there..

Astarion grabbed your hips possessively and pulled you back, pressing you against him. He glared at Wyll with his beautiful red eyes.


He whispered. he pulled you tighter against him, pressing his length against your ass.


You questioned as you looked behind you to see Astarion.

Wyll had a look of confusion on his face as Astarion dragged you away from wyll and into the forest. His grip on your wrist was firm, leaving no room for arguments.

"What the fuck was that."

He questioned you as he pushed you into a tree.

"I don't understand.. What'd I do wrong?.."

You whispered in confusion.

"I'll show you why what you did was wrong, darling.."

He whispered into your ear. He wrapped his hands underneath your thighs and lifted you, making you wrap your legs around his waist. He pressed his hardened length to yours, making you squirm.


You gasped out as he rolled his hips against you. He kept his eyes focused on yours as you looked at him with pleading doe-like eyes. He groaned at the sliver of pleasure that rutting against you provided.

"I need you so bad. Please, let me take you."

He demanded as his eyes searched yours for permission. You nodded quickly, your length already hardening.

"Good boy."

You panted as he swiftly rid you of your pants and under wear. He took a
Moment to admire you. His eyes ran over you, taking in every inch of your body.

"God.. You're gorgeous, love."

One of his hands moved to cup your ass while he stared at you with a smug smirk. You stared at him with anticipation, confused on why he wasn't taking your innocence right then and there.

"What are you waiting for..?"

You questioned.

"Oh, you think you deserve to be fucked? That's adorable! After the shit you pulled.. You have to beg for it."

He said in a low, suggestive tone. You hesitated, heavily embarrassed at the thought of having to beg.


You tried and he quickly shook his head.

"That's all you can do? I really thought you were better"

He said smugly. This quickly made you want to prove yourself.

"Please..! I'll be a good boy, I promise..! Just please fill me.. Please use me as you please..!"

You begged, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment as you whined out your desperate pleas. In response, he pulled down his pants and boxers just enough to free his cock from it's restraints.

"You want it that bad?.. Oh, darling, I'm impressed."

He mocked, and before you could react he slipped himself inside, making you gasp. You immediately began clenching around him, not used to the sudden intrusion. He groaned out in pleasure as your warmth tightly enveloped his aching cock. He waited a moment, trying to let you get used to the stretch before moving.

He then began relentlessly pounding into you against the tree. You had never felt your cock throb like this, Astarion was what you needed. You felt him twitch inside you as he urgently thrusted. He hit your prostate, causing you to throw your hand over your move to try to muffle the loud moan that threatened to escape your delicate lips.

"Don't hold back, love, I want that ass to know how good I make you feel."

He whispered into your ear as he gripped your ass tighter. His words alone made you arch your back, wanting him deeper. You wanted every inch of him to be consumed by your greedy hole.

You whined and moaned as he pounded into you with an urgency that could only be described as animalistic.. Primal.. A carnal desire that had been kept hidden for far too long.

"You belong you me."

You clawed at your palms as his free hand reached up and squeezed your throat, holding you in place as you shook with each thrust. He added just enough delicious pressure to add to the pleasure.

"Mmph...~ Astarion!~"

You moaned out a little too loudly as he drilled into you. The pleasure only built with each thrust.

Your back was arched at the perfect angle, his hips bucked into you, the pressure on your neck was intoxicating, and finally he bit down on your neck, his teeth tore through your skin and he began sucking out the blood.. All a delicious mixture that led to the orgasm that ran through you both in waves. As you came, you screamed his name. You had never felt such intense pleasure, and he was the last person you expected to experience this with.

He couldn't control himself as soon as he tasted your blood, he shot rope after rope of his hot cum inside of you. He couldn't contain himself. As he came he continued thrusting, riding out the waves of pleasure as he sucked on your neck. His pace slowed down slowly until it came to a stop.

(I will update this tomorrow! But for now enjoy. <3 please comment any suggestions.)

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