After care (the walk)

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"That was fun, do you agree, my darling?"

Astarion said with a smug smirk, he knew God damn well you agreed. You tried to catch your breath before speaking.

"Agreed, love."

You whisper.

"I apologize for your clothes, I hope you didn't like them too much."

You rolled your eyes playfully, after he spoke, with a soft smile.

"Let me get you cleaned up, darling."

He sat up and grabbed his pants, he reached into them to grab a Handkerchief. He came over to you and whispered in your ear.

"You did so good for me, darling.. I'm sorry if I was too rough"

He said as he gently wiped his discharge off your stomach and yours off of your thighs. You just responded with pants.

"You look so handsome, my love."

He kissed your forehead gently and rubbed your hand with his thumb. He grabbed his shirt and helped you sit up.

"Raise your arms"

He said gently, and once you did he put his shirt over your head and onto your body. His shirt was a little big on you. He put on his underwear and pants.

"I'll carry you back, considering I don't think you can walk"

He said smugly before picking you up. You were too tired to protest.

"I love you"

You mumbled under your breath as he began walking back.

"What was that, love?"

He asked playfully. You smirked and ignored him.

"I love you too."

He said finally after giving up on having you repeat it. You two made your way back to camp.

(Thank you for reading this. I haven't read anything on aftercare so I hope this was satisfying. Please if you have any requests for my next smutshot comment it)

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