The walk (Ftm reader) 2/2

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(WARNING: smut. [Ive never written smut so please be nice])

He circled the area in search for you.. You held your breath for what felt like hours, but it was mere minutes. You took a deep breath, unable to hold it in any longer.. You soon heard Astarion.. Right.. Above you..

"Found you."

He quickly tackled you to the floor. You gasped, startled. You hoped he couldn't hear how feminine your voice sounded in that moment, even now. Seeing him above you like this only made the space between your legs betray you with an ache for attention from him and only him. He stared at you with dilated pupils.

"Such a sweet noise drawn from your lips, I bet I can force out sweeter.."

You could feel his semi-hardened cock pressed against your thighs, Your knees were pressed together tightly. He quickly bit down on your neck. his sharp fangs tore through your skin and made blood trickle down your neck, in which he licked off quickly. This action elicited a sharp grunt of pain from you, followed by a moan of pleasure from the feeling of him sucking on your neck. You could feel his growing arousal as he tasted your blood.

You honestly couldn't tell if you were fucked or if you were going to be fucked. He sucked out the blood from your neck harshly and occasionally whined from the feeling of his pants getting tighter. he grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them above your head. He used his knee and slid it between your legs forcefully.

"My pretty little prey..."

He muttered into your neck, sending shivers down your spine.


You mewled as he ripped his fangs out of your neck, causing blood to pour from the open wound and seep into your clothing.


He hushed you as you lay beneath him. He licked the blood from your neck. He pressed his knee more firmly against you and put his free hand on your hip. He moved your hips on his knee, eliciting soft moans and cries from you.

"Be a good boy.."

He was still calling you a boy even after the realization you weren't born one.

He roughly pushed his knee harder up against you as he moved your hips, helping you grind against him.

"Show me how desperate you are for my touch.."

He said in a low whisper. he didn't have to tell you twice. You grinded your clothed clit against his knee, trying to get as much friction as possible. He watched as you struggled and moaned. Suddenly he flipped you over so your cheek was against the ground. He laid your lower half over his knee with your legs on either side of his thigh. He pulled your head up by your hair, making you sit on his knee. He grabbed both your hands and grabbed some rope from his pocket. He tied your wrists together tightly.

"Astarion.. Please.."

You whined, wanting something more than just his knee.

"Good boys get rewards, darling."

You could hear the smug grin in his voice. Quickly, started grinding against his knee. Moaning and whining, your usual demeanor fading to nothing but a pathetic, pleasure hungry, boy. It would take a while in this position so you shifted around until the harsh denim of your pants pressed perfectly against your clit. You moved as quickly as possible, eager to get relief from the ache between your legs. Tears welled up in your eyes as you moved desperately, but none dared to fall.

"Please.. Please...! Please!"

Your pleas got louder and louder until finally the knot in your abdomen snapped, soaking your jeans.

"Good boy.."

Astarion said, getting off at the sight of you so desperate for him and him alone. You quietly caught your breath until you noticed him grabbing something, a dagger. You knew this was going to happen.

At least you thought you knew what was going to happen.. until he sliced your clothing with a smile. He may be a blood thirsty vampire, but he'd never hurt you outside of biting. He removed the sliced up shirt, using the holes he created and slicing more. His hands crept up your stomach and to your chest, feeling the restrictive cloth around your breasts.


He whispered into your ear. He pushed you down back onto the ground and cut up your pants as well. He removed your pants then moved the dagger towards your trousers, he was extra careful when cutting them up. He removed those as well. He then made quick work with removing his shirt, pants, and his trousers. He grabbed your hips.

"Stay still, love."

He commanded in a small whisper. He smirked before flipping you onto your back and throwing your right leg over his shoulder.

"May I, love?"

He whispered into your ear as he ran his hands up your body, your hands still behind your back.

"Yes..! Please..!"

You whine desperately. You look behind your shoulder to see Astarion lining up his shaft with your entrance. His cock is at least 7-9 inches(I asked a friend) and decently thick. He slowly pushes the head in, causing you to clench on almost nothing as you face the ground once again. He whispered a couple curses to himself, something about how tight you were. He quickly thrusted his entire length inside causing you to cry out. Tears welled up in your eyes and a couple fell at the feeling.

"Shh.. It's okay love.. I'm here.."

He cooed, staying still to help you adjust. Once you adjusted you nodded silently. He took that as a sign he could begin, he slid out slowly, leaving just the head in before thrusting back in with a loud groan as you mewled. He held your hips still as intense waves of pleasure courses through your body with each thrust.


You managed to utter, your voice unrecognizable from how raspy it was. You were desperate and cock-drunk. He took that as his sign he could move faster. He quickly moved in and out at a fast rate, eliciting soft and loud moans everytime. He bit down on your neck again, only adding to the pleasure for both of you.


You moaned out as he went at a relentless, urgent pace. His eyes were filled with pure hunger and his pupils were fully dilated. You could feel his painfully erect cock filling you up in the most delicious way.

"So wet..."

He sucked on your neck and whimpered with each thrust. His words alone in his flirty voice were enough to set you off. You arched your back and clenched around him, making him groan louder. You came all over his length, making him slide in and out easier. The sensation only urged him to make sloppier, faster, harder movements. He moved at his pace until he couldn't handle it anymore. He released, shooting rope after rope of white hot pleasure onto your stomach. He panted for a whined staying in that exact position for a while. He collapsed beside you.

(lemme know if you want part three for after care)

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