Graveyard (NB!Reader afab)

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(Inspired by the graveyard scene!)

you had always loved your guardian.. Despite the abuse. It was a constant battle between your love for them and the part of you that wanted to despise them.

Now, they were gone. They had died 3 months ago, and you decided to visit their grave today, again... You knew it would be hard, just the same as facing them all those times. Yet you never failed to come everyday. You had grown your own rose, just for their grave. As you made your way to their grave you couldn't help but have the strange feeling that you were being watched.. And as you placed it on their grave you pricked your finger on one of the thorns, causing your finger to bleed.

lurking around the graveyard was.. Him, Astarion. As a vampire, Astarion immediately smelt your blood. He had been watching you for some time, watching as you walked in and out of the graveyard daily. Yet the two of you never met.

Now he smelt your blood, and he couldn't contain himself anymore. He began running towards you, something primal inside him awakened. Your blood smelled so sweet, he had to taste it..

Right as you placed the rose you felt yourself crashing down. Whatever had just tackled you was so cold it nearly felt like a strong gust of wind. You looked up, only to see a pair of glowing red eyes staring back at you. His breath came out ragged as he looked down at you, a bulge evident in his pants. He quickly began to drink from you. hooking his leg beneath your thigh, he forced you leg up and apart from the other. You squirmed, attempting to push him off of you. but his grip on you was so strong. he began grinding his bulge against your clothed heat, clearly not thinking even for a moment.

Astarion's mind was clouded with lust, the taste of your blood driving him wild. His movements grew more urgent with each sip of your blood he took in. You started to get dizzy, your own mind growing fuzzy from the amount of blood he was taking. though you loved the sensation, you couldn't let this continue. Your movements grew more frantic as you pulled his head back by his hair, ripping his fangs out of your neck.

He panted for a moment, trying to catch his breath.

"who are you?!"

You demanded.

(This is just a test, part two will be out if you guys like the concept!) :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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