Chapter 10: Lost and Found

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The Doctor has failed to save his daughter from the foul clutches of the Silence...or has he?


River sat, sobbing over the loss of her daughter. Her parents stood by, attempting to console her, her mother with her arms draped over her shoulders. The Paternoster Trio stood awkwardly to the side, away from the family, feeling sad for them and seeming unsure of what to say to lift the family's spirits.

Meanwhile, the Doctor stood at the TARDIS console, brooding and staring gravely at the controls, wanting to operate them to go after his daughter, but he didn't know where his enemies were taking her, therefore he couldn't go after them. This was all his fault. If he hadn't wasted all that time with River's Flesh self—if he had stayed with her that day at her parents' house—he could've prevented all of this from happening. Rather than his daughter be born surrounded by his enemies, she could've been born surrounded by her family instead. If only he'd been a bit harsher with his wife...

But it was too late. The Silence had won—again—and there was nothing he could do. He was completely out of options. He let the Silence get away again, all because he was too sentimental to his wife, when he should've been more strict with her—'the sentimental idiot,' as she always called him. Now his daughter had to pay for his mistakes, his stupidity. Now she would grow to be just like her mother—his new bespoke psychopath—and there was nothing he could do to fix that. Nothing.

"I'm sorry, River," Rory sighed, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll get your daughter back...somehow."

"We have to!" Amy agreed. "We can't let them get away with this! Not again! First, our daughter, and now our granddaughter! This can't go on!"

"They already have, Mother!" River sighed sadly. "We're too late to go after them! They could be anywhere in Time and Space!"

"So we search everywhere!" Rory shrugged. "Obviously they're taking her somewhere but not nowhere!"

"What would be the point?" River shrugged back. "The universe is infinite! You'd have to search every planet, every galaxy, every era... It's impossible!"

"We can't just give up!" Amy groaned, standing up. "Like I said before, we never give up on family, no matter what happens! You lot may have given up, but I haven't! I'm not gonna let them turn my granddaughter into an assassin!" She then said, approaching her son-in-law anxiously, "Doctor, what do we do? Surely there has to be something we can do! Anything!"

"I'm sorry, Amy," he muttered, still staring solemnly at the console, "There's not. River is right. There's nothing we can do for her now. She's gone."

"Seriously?" Amy exclaimed in disbelief, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "You're giving up too? Since when do you give up, Doctor?"

"I have no choice, Amy!" he snapped at her. "Just like I didn't have a choice back at Demons Run when they took River!"

"But that was different!" Rory argued. "As bad as it sounds, if they hadn't taken River, she wouldn't have grown up to be the woman we know now! But your daughter still has a chance to be saved!"

"We can't, Rory!" the Doctor said, his anxiety increasing as he ran his fingers restlessly through his hair. "Like River said, she could be anywhere in Time and Space! It would be impossible to physically search everywhere! The only way it could be possible is if I psychically connect—" He paused, suddenly realizing something as he began slapping himself on his forehead. "Ugh, I am so stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid Doctor! That's it!"

DOCTOR WHO: Arising -- A Nova Sue Prequel (Part 1.5)Where stories live. Discover now