Chapter 12: Epilogue-Nova's Thoughts

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After the Doctor shows his adult daughter a compilation of his memories of her birth and all events leading up to it, Nova shares her overall thoughts.

A/N: WARNING: if you haven't read "Part 1: Becoming" yet, read that story before reading this chapter, as this chapter contains spoilers from Part 1. Check out my profile for this story. 


"Wow!" I exclaim as Dad takes his fingers off of my temples, and we return to the Waking World, back on the sofa in the TARDIS library. "That was... I don't even know how to describe what I saw! There are so many thoughts in my head, I don't even know where to start!"

That was so beautiful! He had just shown me an entire compilation of his (plus Mom's) memories of my birth and everything leading up to it, and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The most exhilarating thing of all was the fact that I could feel every single emotion—the fear, the excitement, the love, all of it—from both of my parents (depending on whose point of view it was) and all of the struggles they had to go through. It was all so surreal yet utterly mind-blowing at the same time.

"That's quite alright," Dad chuckles next to me as he straightens his bow tie. "We can talk about everything if you like; I'm more than happy to. This was what I was most looking forward to, anyway. How're you feeling, now that you've seen everything; everything leading up to your birth?"

"Honestly... I am completely mind-blown!" I say, shaking my head in disbelief. "Seriously, I have so many thoughts that they feel like they've made my entire brain explode—not literally, but you know what I mean. I have so many questions, I don't even know how to get them all out!"

"Well, we'll start with the first question that comes to mind, and we'll move on from there," he suggests with a shrug. "How does that sound?"

"Okay," I shrug with uncertainty on where to start. "Um... Well, these aren't questions, but I would like to start off with a few comments on some of the minor things."

"Go on," Dad smiles eagerly as he pivots his body to face me fully.

I immediately spout off the first thing that comes to mind. "Okay. First off, I would like to say it was really neat that you compiled all of your memories, plus Mom's, into one giant memory. Seeing all of them felt like watching a movie on a TV screen, except instead of looking through a TV screen, we were standing in the actual memory, like we were living through it in real time like everybody else, even though nobody could see us, but it was still a really cool experience. It was also really cool to see familiar memories, such as that emotional scene with you carrying Baby Me here in the TARDIS library before you gave me up, and that scene at the very end when I returned to the TARDIS with Mom and met you for the very first time. And all those times when you and Mom were watching me grow up, and I had no idea you were even there... It was very surreal to see those memories from a different point of view and not my own."

Dad nods, saying, "Yes. I figured you'd like to see those memories again."

"I'm glad you did," I say before switching topics. "Next, I'd like to say it was especially cool to see Madame Vastra and Strax help you in saving me from the Silence, since you mentioned that they did that when I first met them. Back then, I didn't think much of it, since I had no memory of seeing them before that moment, but now that I've seen that memory from your point of view, now I can appreciate them more. It makes me wish I had understood better, and I would've given them a big hug in thanks."

"Don't worry. There's still time to tell them," he assures me. "Perhaps you can tell them during our next visit."

"Yes, I would like that," I nod before changing topics again. "I can understand how much of a struggle it was for you to keep Mom safe while she was pregnant with me. I could feel her frustration as she carried me in the womb, and she couldn't function as well as she normally would when she wasn't pregnant. I imagine she struggled to do the things she loved but couldn't while she was pregnant. For example, she couldn't help you on your travels, since her condition wouldn't let her; it seemed like I was slowing her down, hence why you were so strict about her staying in the TARDIS and hardly ever going out even to see my grandparents.

DOCTOR WHO: Arising -- A Nova Sue Prequel (Part 1.5)Where stories live. Discover now