~Chapter 1~ ☆What happened?☆

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Kyle's pov:

My name is Kyle Broflovski, I am 17 years old. I am beginning my last year of high school. I am in a car with my ex-best friend Stan Marsh. There is a story behind why me and him aren't friends anymore and why he's in my backseat. I remember it really well.

~~~~~~(Flashback to 8th grade)~~~~~~

Staring at my ceiling. My best friend, ditched me to go be with Wendy fucking Testaburger. I'm sick of him. I am sick and tired of him. I'm sick and tired of bringing him home every time his heart gets broken. I'm tired of taking care of him. I'm tired of it. "I'm going to tell him how it is," is all I can think on the bus ride to school. As usual, he comes up to me and starts talking about Wendy.

"Stan." I start.

"Yeah Ky?" He says.

"I'm tired of you." I say.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I'm tired of you. I'm tired of you ditching me. I'm tired of you crawling right back to me when you get your heart broken. Everyone has problems, Marsh. You can't expect comfort after one thing happens. Talk to me when you realize that the world doesn't revolve around you." I say after that I walk away. I don't need him.

~~~(end flashback.)~~~

That's why me and him aren't friends. We haven't spoken since. When freshman year started Wendy broke up with him and he only had a handful of friends left. In the end I still kinda cared about Stan. When I heard I wanted to give him a hug. I didn't.  "Why should I care? He's not even my friend." Is what I kept telling myself. Now he's in my backseat.

I stopped infront of Starks Pond. I stopped to get Stan from freezing. I saw him sleeping on a bench. I care enough to not let him freeze to death. Before I know it he's on my backseat. I turn the heat on max. After a bit, I hear shuffling in the back.

"Kyle?" He says.

"What." I say.

"Why am I here?" He asks.

"You were asleep on a bench at Starks Pond. I'm bringing you home."

"Why?" He asks again.

"I just told you."

"Why are you helping me? You hate me."

"I don't hate you. I think you're immature."

"You haven't spoken to me in years."

"You ignored me for a year. Your point?"

"Is that why you stopped hanging out with me?"

"Actually, that's pretty accurate, but no."

"Then why are you helping me?"

"At this rate, your not going to crack the code."

"Then just tell me why you want to help me."

"Make me."

He stopped then he started to smile then he laughed. "We're fighting like we're ten or something." He says after he's done.

"Kinda." I say, smiling at his comment.



"Why did you stop talking to me?"

"I told you, everyone has problems. When you realize that the world doesn't revolve around you maybe we can talk."

The rest of the car ride is silent. I bring him home he gets scolded by his mom and she thanks me for being a good friend. That hit hard because I'm not his friend. He lives up the block so it's not a long drive home.

I pull up and the light in the kitchen is on. It doesn't take rocket science to tell that my mom is waiting inside for me. I walk to the door and insert my keys. I open and shut. I walk into the dining room and my mom is already seated.

"Where the hell have you been Kyle?" She asks as soon as I walk in.

"Tutoring ended late." I say.

"What else did you do after tutoring." She says.

"I dropped off my friend. It was cold. I wouldn't want them to freeze." I said with a smile.

"Which friend?" She asks.


"How many times have I told you, I don't want you hanging out with him. He's gonna ruin your life, Kyle."

"I don't know how hanging out with someone can effect me."

"Go to bed Kyle. I don't have time for this."



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