~Chapter 5~☆The Weekend☆

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3rd person:

Kyle woke up like any other morning, only difference was that he was grounded. He didn't feel like dealing with his mom's bullshit.

So he just stayed there. He thought about last night. Stan was all he could think about. Kyle hears a knock on his door. He knows it's his dad, he doesn't want to 'talk' to him.

"Kyle? Are you awake?"

Kyle groaned in response basically telling his father he was awake. He sat up as his father walked in.

"Kyle, you're mother told me you snuck you and your brother out to a party. She wants me to talk to you so, what's up with you?"

"I've been thinking for myself, that's what's up. She doesn't let me do anything. I stopped hanging out with Stan because 'he wasn't good for me.' I started talking to him again, but we aren't really friends we just talk. Now she makes everything his fault."

"Maybe you just need to talk to her-"

"I don't think you're heard me. She is controlling my life. She told me I was a waste of space. She is ruining my self esteem. I can't put everything off on her, but I'm telling you now that this is my problem. This is why I'm being such a horrible child."

"Kyle, I'll talk to her, really. I think you're doing just fine."

His father walked out, concluding thier conversation. That was it. Kyle told his dad his problem and he listened. He didn't think of a solution, he told Kyle all he needed to hear.

Kyle felt better after the talk, really. Kyle went downstairs to eat breakfast. He could feel the tension around the table while they were eating. Sheila was staring Kyle down,

Gerald was watching Sheila and Kyle hoping they would solve the issue themselves. Ike silently watched them all. It was weird, and nobody said anything.

After breakfast Kyle went right back up to his room, checked his blood sugar, and a read book. He could not wait for this weekend to be over.


Meanwhile, with Stan, he was trying to get over his hangover before he went to therapy. He took like 3 Ibuprofen, he was waiting for it to be over but it took forever. Before he knew it he was in the car with his mom.

When they got there, Stan waited for his turn and was in a room sitting across his therapist. It was silent for a bit but soon the man across from him spoke up.

"So, Stan... what have you been up to since I last saw you?"

"Not much I started talking to Kyle again. He said it was in the past or something. I took him to a party but I can't really remember what happened."

"Uh huh. What do you and Kyle talk about?"

"We talk about how much we've changed and everything else. Kyle is the best."

"What do you think makes him the best?"

"The way he cares, how he helps or trys to help... pretty much every thing Kyle does is awesome. I want to have what we had before we stopped hanging out."

"Mhm.. I think you should make a goal chart. Try to improve yourself, and try to improve your relationship with Kyle. First, you should work on yourself, because from what I can tell, Kyle left because you were a mess. Then, work to make everything better with Kyle. "

"I can try." Stan said. He was hopeful to try to have a stable friendship with Kyle. He wanted to be his friend.

Therapy helped Stan a lot. It was like a reality check. He was snapped back to earth or something. It was good for him to get himself together.

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