~Chapter 6~☆People Change☆

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3rd person pov:

The weekend was finally over. Stan didn't enjoy it as much because he couldn't keep himself occupied. He didn't want to drink or do something dumb with anybody else. So, he stayed in his room, watched some TV.

Stan gets up and gets ready. He could only think about Kyle. Kyle. Kyle. Kyle. He left the house and drove to school. He waited at his locker for the day to pass.

Kyle's pov:

I wake up, not grounded. The only difference today is that my parents argued over me the entire weekend. My dad wants me to express myself and choose my life. My mom wants to send me to a behavioral camp.

I just want to go about my life. I skip breakfast and go straight to school. I spent my weekend questioning myself. Normal stuff, like why don't I cut my hair as much, why do I always keep Stan out of trouble, sexual orientation? Maybe I'm overthinking or something. I've been thinking normally.  Definitely. I get to school and go inside. I see Stan at his locker, I walk up to him.


"Hey dude, your dad told me you were grounded."

"Yeah, My mom was being bitchy. She wants to send me away."

"Damn. I'll be here if you need anything."

"Okay. I'm gonna get breakfast now. Bye."

"See ya, Ky."

I walked in the Cafeteria. I see Craig and Token. I sit down with them. They talk. Mainly about Tweek, I eat but not really. I get up and go to the bathroom.

I walk in and stare at myself in the mirror. I stare at myself.

I'm a mess.

I check my blood sugar. The glucose meter beeps. I take a insulin shot, and check my sugar again, just to be safe. It's normal.

I hear the bell and walk out the bathroom, and to class. I want this day to be over. I get to class and start my day.

{After School}

Me and Stan are at my house right now, im not grounded anymore because my dad talked some kind of sense into my mom. I'm doing my homework and Stan is doing whatever on his phone.

"Hey Stan?" I spoke up.

"Yeah, Ky." He responds, basically letting me know he's listening.

"I want to tell you what's on my mind right now." I say.

"Shouldn't that be homework?" Stan jokes.

"No, besides schoolwork."

"Okay, express yourself."

"I've been thinking about myself, my well being, and the stuff that I like. I think I'm gay." I say.

"Cool, it's your body, and your choices. It's my job to respect them." Stan says.

I give him a soft smile, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out to see what's happening.

Kyle Broflovski: A Jewish Diabetic

I have... no words. I'm mad, and shocked. Nobody even knows I have diabetes...except Stan and Kenny. I check the profile. It's a expose page for our school. They have people like Allie Nelson, Wendyl, Red, Bebe, Stan, Kenny, Butters, and basically everybody I know. They have some teachers and everything.

"Dude." Stan says.

"I think my highschool career might be ruined. "

"Dude, it's just a silly post. I bet nobody has even seen it yet-"

"Stan, it isn't about that, it's about privacy at this point. I mean, it isn't right and how would they even know I have diabetes. I have not told a soul."

"I don't know Kyle, maybe you weren't being careful."

"I wasn't being careful?! I am more careful than you, atleast I don't have to drink my problems away!" I shouted. I didn't mean it, but I could tell Stan was hurt.

"Atleast, I have parents that care about my well-being, your parents don't even give a shit about you!" Stan shouts back.

"Get out my room." I say not even looking at him. I hear his steps walk out my room. After I know he's really gone. I sink into my pillow and cry like the pussy I am. I didn't have a right to tell him that. I'm the shitty friend.

I hear my phone buzz a handful of times I don't even try and look at what's happening. I really just want to run away. I get why Stan drinks sometimes, it's his way of escaping reality, I guess.

Maybe social media isn't everything and I'm just overreacting.

I, Kyle Broflovski am wrong.



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