~Epilogue~☆Something Better☆

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Kyles pov:

My name is Kyle Broflovski. I am 17 years old, and I am almost done with highschool. One thing for sure is that this was the craziest year I've had. A lot has happened, I made up with my boyfriend (back when he was my ex-best friend), I got outed as a diabetic, I made up with my parents, and I almost killed myself.

The only thing that wasn't crazy was that I beat the shit out of Eric Cartman. My life is better, it doesn't suck anymore. I'm thinking for myself and that is good, I make my own decisions. I'm working on bringing my GPA up, even though it's pretty high. My parents really want me to go to college right after highschool.

I was thinking in majoring in computer science. I don't know why but I've always just liked it. It took a lot of convincing but they went along with it! That's another thing.

My parents.

They used to be kind of controlling, it got bad. I had to be the perfect person all the time. I was treated like an adult because.... that's how things were. They got to pick my friends, and everything. I just had to be the way they wanted to be. It got really bad.

"I try to think about the present and not the past or future because they won't get me anywhere. Thinking bad won't help anything and self pity won't solve anything either."

"M'kay Kyle. It's time for you to go back to class."

"Okay I guess." Kyle said getting out the counselors office.

He did as he was told, and left. He made back to class and sat down.

3rd person pov:

Kyle was in class when Stan was sick at home. He wasn't really sick, he was quarantined. Shelly got Covid so he had to stay home and get tested. Everyone that had been around Shelly had to stay home, which was almost all of Stan's family. Him and Kyle called eachother daily just to check on eachother.

At first, Kyle felt neutral towards the situation, but Stan couldn't do it. He had to call him anytime he could. It didn't bother Kyle as much as Stan thought it did. Kyle enjoyed know that his awesome boyfriend was always thinking of him.

Stan was in the kitchen, scrolling on Instagram. He was trying to multi-task, he was making some instant noodles. He gets a text from Kyle he instantly opens it.


Ky😩 - I'm out of school

Stan😋 - can u come over 🥺

Ky😩 - Aren't you like sick

Stan😋 - Basically yeah

Ky😩 - no

Stan😋 - Why not 🥺
Ky😩- I really don't want to be sick rn

Stan😋 - Plssssss? We can do whatever you want

Ky😩 - I can do all the stuff I want to do at home

Stan😋 - why can't you do it with meeeee

Ky😩 - if it makes you feel better, I don't care

Stan😋 - so mean :(

Ky😩 - if I cared I wouldn't have said it

Stan😋 - I need to text you later, I'm burning noodles

Ky😩 - imagine


Stan could smell the noodles basically on fire, and quickly turned the stove off. He disposed of the noodles, and put the pot in the sink. He was stuck. Mainly trying to figure out what to do next. He got back on his phone and sent Kyle a quick text saying "Crisis averted".

After the two very lovesick teenagers were done being the lovesick teenagers they were, Stan had somehow convinced Kyle to come over. He was ecstatic, he was so excited because he hadn't seen Kyle all week. Even though he tested negative for Covid he had to quarantine for atleast 10 days.


Kyle knocked on Stan's door. Stan answered, and the moment he saw Kyle he hugged him.

"Kyle, so happy you're here."

"I know, thats why I came."

"What do you want to do first?"

Kyle shrugged his shoulders.

"We can....watch tv?" Stan said more of a question than a statement.

"Sure, but I have like two hours until I have to go home."


"I have to babysit Ike and Karen."

"Can't Kenny watch Karen. You can bring Ike with you."

"Kenny is leaving Karen with me because him and Butters have a date."

"I knew they liked eachother."

"Yeah, Butters was so oblivious when Kenny asked him out, like three days ago."

"I hate missing school."

"That's rare, you always skip class."

"I mean think about it, nothing ever happens when I'm there, then when I miss school everything is happening."

"It's always like that."

They didn't realize that they were walking and talking, and they were eventually in Stan's room laying down. Watching some show.

They were talking for hours, mainly about all the stuff that didn't really matter.

Eventually Kyle had to leave, and Stan was sad and clingy.

It was perfect for them.



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