~Chapter 3~ ☆Just Talking☆

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Stan's pov:

After a LOT of thinking and consideration, I decided to tell Kyle the truth. Atleast, what I think is true. On the drive to school I had my mindset on what I was going to say, like I said the truth.

I get there and I wait. I'm waiting for Kyle, I want to be the first person to talk to him at school today. His car pulls up and I get out of mine and run up to him. Now that I think about it I'm feeling mighty confident.

"Hey Kyle." I say.

"Hey Stan, need anything? "

"Yes actually, I want to talk to you. I got help. I don't expect you to forgive me, my therapist said that it might be what you need, someone to talk to. I know, I know, I can't fix what I've done, I need to take accountability. I have. I've been wanting to talk to you since forever and you are a awesome guy and I was crappy-"

"You're fine. You've proved your point, Stan. I will talk to you again."

"Thanks Kyle, you do not know how long it took me to realize I need you."

"I guess, I never got over you."

"Wow. That's rare coming from you."

We spend some time talking about these past few years. I invite him to my house.

This is gonna be better than kicking rocks.


Kyle's pov:

Me and Stan go our separate ways when I realize what just happened. I made the decision to speak to Stan Marsh. I'll try to make whatever it is we have now, work. I always am trying anyway. I walk to my locker and Kenny is locker waiting. Creepy.

"Kyle, you're smart. Do you know who Professor Chaos is?"

"I mean yeah, but why are you still playing superheros? What are you ten? Wouldn't ruin that game anyway."

"You guys knew who I was. Tell me."

"Damn, so eager. Like chill pill needed. That kid in my homeroom. His name is Leopold but everyone calls him Butters. Why do you even want to know?" I say.

"So he told me something kinda secret, and I want to comfort him." Kenny says before running off.



Kenny's pov:

I want to see him. Then I realize I don't even know what he looks like. I just need to ask. Who should I ask? Craig or Hothead? I'm gonna take my chances with Craig and Damien because Damien is kinda... built different. I might aswell take my chances Craig, even if i don't get a real answer.



"Do you know Butters? If you do what does he look like?"

"Butters. Yeah I know him I know him, hes friends with Tweek. He's average height, he has a scar on his eye and a haircut that looks like the top of a strawberry. He has blonde hair."

"Wow. Okay thanks, Craig." I say and then run off. I'm looking for a kid with a scar on his eye and a strawberry haircut.

I look in the cafeteria, he's not eating school breakfast, I look around the lockers, nope, after look around a bit longer. This is hopeless. It's almost time for class I need to get my stuff. I go to my locker,

I grab my stuff and walk to class. I need to find him. Today, tomorrow, soon. I want to have a talk with him, not as Mysterion, as a normal person.


Time skip

I am in detention for skipping class. Not to much because I only got 2 hours. That's until lunch.

Craig is in here as always, sometimes I think he lives in here, Eric is in here for telling Mr. Shittyopinions he's a bitch.

This is kinda- no really pointless. I mean we can talk quietly but I don't want to talk to a guy that doesn't care and thinks I owe him $100. I don't want to talk to Eric all he can talk about is how poor my family is. So that leaves me stuck.

Some kid walks in and gives Mrs. FecalTransplant a detention slip.

"Leopold, you were the last person I'd think to see in here." She says as he sits down in the back of the room.

"Hey Butters." Craig says. I watch him for a bit he put his head down on the desk and rubs his knuckles.

That guy is my target. I need to watch him. I mean, he doesn't know I'm Mysterion but that doesn't mean I can't know who he is. I want to be his friend. I want to learn about him. I'll have to talk to him at lunch.

I put my head down and take a nap, not really, but kinda. The bell rings and Mrs. FecalTransplant tells us we can go to lunch. We all leave. I catch up to Butters.


"Hi? Do you need anything?"

"I just want to talk, you seem nice and my friends are probably making out with eachother." I was referring to Stan and Kyle because Stan could not stop talking about Kyle this morning.

"I mean, it your choice. I'm always here to talk."

"What do you want to talk about first?"

"I don't know. I'll try anything once."

"Thats nice to know. Doing anything after school?"

"Not really, I'm grounded."

"Why? I mean what did you do?"

"I snuck out. I came back at like 11pm. I mean it's fine."

"Are you always in trouble? I mean, not in a rude way. You don't seem like a bad kid."

"I mean, I'm grounded for little stuff. One time I burned toast and got grounded. It's not a big deal."

"Must suck. I mean I'm always in trouble, I skipped class and got detention today. I think Craig lives in the detention room."

"I was talking back to the teacher, she said 'Since I could talk back so much. I can go talk in detention'. It's not a big deal."

"Nothing seems like a big deal to you."

"Things can be worse, until it completely bad it doesn't matter. It's just another bump in the road. This is starting to feel like a Quizlet."

"Sorry. You don't seem too bad, want my number?"

"Sure." He says. We exchange numbers. By this time lunch is over. I have to to back to detention. He goes back to class.

I did it.



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