Chapter 2

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It was already nightfall when Princess Daella was in the nursery room, rocking little Aemon to sleep. It had been a tiring day, Aemon was never one to make a fuss, but that day it appeared to be different, the little one wouldn't stop crying, like something was bothering him, or perhaps like he knew something was wrong, or would go wrong. The mother did not know why though, and she appreciated greatly when her precious Aelanna and niece Rhaenyra joined her in the afternoon, resulting in him calming down, going for a peaceful sleep and sweet dreams.

In the moment, Daella managed to make her youngest son close his eyes and to sleep once more, he had awoken a few hours later after her daughter and niece had already left to wander off to somewhere else, together as always.

The woman then kissed the babe's forehead and laid him gently in the crib. She sent a smile at him, and when she was finished at admiring her bundle of joy she left her chambers, to go find her girls, wishing to see them and lead them to the dinner hall. It was already that time of the day, and Aemon had already eaten.

When Daella arrived outside, she passed through the guards and a few people st the court, who bowed their heads in respect at the Princess, and went to the gardens, having the knowledge that the girls spent almost all their times in that place, having their best memories in there.

The woman frowned when she didn't heard the laughter or the voices of the two girls.

"Ser Keylon, go see where my daughter and niece went to at this time in the night and bring them to me, maybe try the library or the dragon pit, if you please." Daella demanded at her sworn guard, once a young man who was at her side since she was a mere little girl, and now a man with a grey beard, with wrinkles showing his fair share of years, but still resilient, and strong.

"At once, my Princess." Ser Keylon bowed his head, and turned his body to do what was requested of him, to go to search for the silver haired girls.

Daella wasn't yet concerned for their disappearance, since it wasn't uncommon for the two cousins to venture from one place to another, not having the ability to stay put for much time.

Having giving the orders to Ser Keylon, the woman decided to go to the dinner hall, thinking that she will see the beautiful girls in there when her sworn guard managed to find them.

Aeron and Vaehaerys were already there, waiting for the rest of their family to joined them on the table. They were arguing about the duel that they had earlier in the day when they were training. Daella chuckled watching them going back and fort, taking a seat in her respective place in the table.

"You know that I won! I was much faster and managed to put you on one knee." Vaehaerys exclaimed at his brother, not backing down at trying to win the argument that the older started.

"Nonsense. How could you have won, when the only reason I was on my knee was to make you think that you won me over, so that I could turn and over power you and kick you to the ground. Which I did." Aeron pointed out, reaching his arm to grab his cup of wine to take a sip.

"The only reason I was on the ground was because you cheated! You were already on your knees, the duel was over and you went and go betray me." Said the young lord, looking at his older brother with an incredulous face.

Daella rolled her eyes in amusement, watching them with a found look in her eyes, and laughing at her second child, ever the dramatic one.

"Just accept it, brother, you lost. No need to over analyse my methods now." Aeron winked at his younger brother and ruffled his brown hair, making Vaehaerys try to get as far away from his brother's hand as possible.

Before he could argument back once more, Rickon barged in with a panic look in his eyes. The three at the table were startled by the the action, but soon rose up from their seats at the look the older man was giving them.

"Father?" Aeron questioned with a serious face. Whatever the issues was, he was going to step up and help his father no matter what.

"Aelanna..her and Rhaenyra are missing. They're not in the castle." The words were difficult for Rickon to utter. He was already beating himself up. He thought that he failed as a father, as an uncle, and as a husband. His little girl disappeared, and he wasn't there to protect her.

At Rickon's words, it was like Daella couldn't hear anymore, or see. Her world came crushing down and all she could feel was pain. She didn't want to believe him at first. Aelanna and Rhaenyra were with her not many hours ago, safe and giggling and watching Aemon sleep. They were okay, and she was with them.

Aeron didn't say anything. The strong, hard and determined look he was giving was message enough. He quickly took to action and left the room, calling every guard and ordering them to prepare to leave the castle with him to go search for his sister and cousin. He was going to find them, even if it was the last thing he would do.

It was impossible to know which one was taking the news harder. Daella was in her own mind already making the worst case scenarios that her girl could be in.

Rickon was feeling like a failure, going after his oldest son to go look for the little ones.

Aeron distract himself into preparing his guards and making plans rather than facing what he was really feeling, devastation.

But Vaehaerys. It was different for him, for he could have never imagined that this could possibly happened. His sister, his best friend, the one that he would laugh with and annoy his older brother with. And his cousin, his favorite cousin, the one that grew up with him and treated her as his own sister. Two of the most important people in his life were gone, missing, and he couldn't do anything to change that. Suddenly, he felt really alone.

Ravens were sent out. To Kingslanding, Driftmark and all the houses in the North. The Targaryen girls disappeared, and they needed all the help they could muster to get them back.

Small chapter, I know! But I felt that ending the things here was better, next chapter I'm going to focus on Aelanna and Rhaenyra and their rescuing, andddd maybe we'll meet a new character 👀

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