Chapter 8

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Two years later

Year 107 AC, Kingslanding

"Would you just stop moving!" Rhaenyra exclaimed, exasperated. Trying to firmly lock the headpeace secured on Aelanna's braided hair was showing to be not as easy as she had inicially thought.

"Because you are not placing it right, and it is going to fall again." Aelanna countered, looking at Rhaenyra's hands movements from the mirror standing in front of her, with her eyebrows furrowed, thinking what in the world was her cousin doing.

Right after those words left Aelanna's mouth, the headpeace that appeared to be secured slid down from her hair and fell to the floor with a thud. Aelanna only moved her eyes to Rhaenyra's with her eyebrows rosed up.

"Oh just go without it." Rhaenyra huffed frustrated.

Two whole years had since passed, everything and everyone had gone back to normal, to how they were, how it had always been. Well, maybe not with everybody.

Aelanna's first week back at home, in Winterfell, had been a distraction for the little girl. Having to catch up with everyone and being spoiled to no end. But when eventually things had died out, when everyone started to tend to their own needs and duties, Aelanna owned more time on her own, time to think about the events that took place weeks before.

At first started the nightmares. All Aelanna could see was the faces of those evil men that captured her, their insults and jabs, and sometimes her mind would conjure up scenarios where they end up succeeding their plan to sell and ship them off to Essos.

Then, it came the night terrors. Every night for the next two months, little Aelanna would wake up from her deep slumber with screams and tears sliding down her cheeks, feeling confused and frightened.

On that first night, the guards rushed inside the room fearing that something awfull was happening inside the chambers and quickly barshed in, only to be greated by the sight of their Lady trashing around her bed and screaming her lungs out. Daella had slept with her on that long night, and when she had managed to calm her daughter down and fully check that the girl was asleep, the mother wept herself to sleep, her heart aching for the disturbed child.

It was always the same, Aelanna would have her episode and on the next day she wasn't able to remember a thing. And despite their parents warnings not to, Vaehaerys would sneak inside his sister's room and sleep with her, not enjoying to see his best friend in pain.

He would talk to her until sleep would consume them, and then be there for her when she would wake up three hours later with another set of screams and tears. He was never afraid, he had promised himself to always protect his sister, and that is what he did until eventually her episodes had come to an end, only a year after.

After Aeron got word about his sister condition he at first didn't know what to do to help her, to make the pain go away. If she needed him to protect her and go after her when she is missing he would do it, if she needed him to help her with her horse lessons he would be there to catch her if she slipped, if she needed him to whine about not having Rhaenyra beside her he would be the first to be there for her. But issues regarding the mind? How could he make it go away, to put her at ease and calm her storms?

He knew that his brother was beside her all day and night, holding her hand and making sure that she stays sane. Vaehaerys cared deeply about his sister, her being missing took a lot out of him, and now that she was here he wasn't letting her getting out of his sight. So the best that Aeron could do was make sure that nobody would ever be near enough to take her away from them again.

He would take night patrols around the castle and sometimes he would take post outside her chambers. If someone as even dare try to take a step to harm his sister he would finish them, then and there.

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