Chapter 4

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Aelanna was on high alert now.

Before she knew of the reason she and Rhaenyra were taken, her attention was always elsewhere, muffling the sounds around her and focusing her gaze away from those evil men. She hadn't given much thought on what purpose why they were traveling. Of course she was frightened, but she couldn't possibly know the men vile reasons.

Aelanna peeked her head around the man she was riding with, trying to take a look at Rhaenyra that was riding in front of her with Fred, wanting to see if she heard what their captors said about their future fates, but she could not tell what Rhaenyra was thinking, she was with her head forward and lowered, as if these past minutes didn't ocurred and they were just traveling yet again without anything really happening. Aelanna was worried for her cousin, she had tried to stay strong for her but she didn't know how this whole situation was taking a tool on her.

Regarding Aelanna's concerns, Rhaenyra was indeed very hard to read. She had not uttered a word since they were taken, only little words of affirmation when the two managed to get a few seconds alone and Aelanna would ask if she was alright. Rhaenyra was truly grateful for not being alone in this hard time, that Aelanna was there with her, although not particularly close, she felt Aelanna's presence, and that was more than enough.

She had heard what the men had said a few hours ago, but to be fair she couldn't feel more fearful than she already was. After some days, she started to feel numb, like she was accepting they would never be rescued. She was losing hope.

"There, the tree Ozeir said that lead to that old tavern near the river." The one at the front, that was leading, informed when they passed a tree with a triangle carved in the wood.

"A triangle on a tree? Not suspicious at all. I swear Glen if we get caught.." Aelanna heard the man that she was with, with the scar. He wasn't very happy about the signal that was left for them to find.

"This man is a professional! The real deal, he wouldn't meet with us and be this careless, do you lot want that coin or not?" Glen, the one eye man that first found the tree, questioned with an annoyed tone.

"The only way that we will get that coin is if these two spoiled brats are not injured, if he even sees a scratch on them he will turn his back and we can kiss Essos goodbye." Fred, the man in the middle horse stated, while taking a look at Rhaenyra that was sitting behind him.

Aelanna tensed when the man that she was riding with turned his head at her and looked at her up and down, with a repugnant gaze. "This one's alright, it appears..The only abominable thing she has is her filthy white hair with that violet eyes, some freaks they are." The man sneered and returned his gaze upfront. His other two companions cackled out loud by his words and Aelanna only flinched when she heard them. Why was this happening to her? To Rhaenyra? She was so drained at this point, these men kept on throwing blows after blows, and Aelanna could only kept herself strong for so much. They were slowly tearing her apart.

But, like it was some light that shined in her mind, Aelanna remembered what Fred said, about Ozeir not wanting damaged cargo. They said it themselves, Ozeir wouldn't give them the coin if she and Rhaenyra were injured or with scar, what if she could do something about it? But how? She was guarded every second and she needed to help Rhaenyra aswell.

Think Aelanna, think..

Trying to find a way that could help her new plan, Aelanna started to look around, something would surely appear and she would take every opportunity that she could get. Suddenly, she dropped her gaze and found a dagger resting on the waist of her kidnapper. Maybe if she was careful enough she could be able to snatch it.

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