chapter 2

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Ghost took a deep breath before picking your unconscious body up, hoisting you over his shoulder. Although your weight wasn't an issue at all, leaving the building undetected and unharmed was the difficult task at hand.

He then took a minute to remember the building layout, there were two exits: one through the front and another out back. The problem was, he couldn't anticipate where the enemies would be. And fighting with a literal person over your shoulder isn't exactly the easiest fucking thing. But here he was, redirecting his entire plan to make sure you would be safe.

Going down the stairs swiftly and quietly, he maneuvered himself down to the last floor undetected. "Two more hallways.. then the exit." He thought to himself. Step by step, he peered around the hallway for two armed guards at the end; their backs facing ghost. His brows furrowed in annoyance, sighing to himself with what he was about to do.

He placed y/n down as softly as he could behind cover, her back against the wall before sneaking up on the first guard. He swiftly pulled out his pistol, pulling the trigger at his head. Easy takeout, before the next one could react— a knife was already at his jugular. Ghost braced the body and put him down slowly.

His attention was immediately back on y/n's, picking her back up in a more comfortable position. Ghost then picked up the pace, arriving at the exit. Luckily for him, the only two morons that were guarding that door were eliminated.

From there, he decided to proceed and go straight eventually losing track of where he was in fear of other enemies finding her unconscious state and taking advantage. Until he thought they were far enough, he sat her near a tree.

Then that's when present time comes, a very pissed of lieutenant and a very confused soldier.

Y/N's eyes blinked open slowly, taking in her new surroundings. You had been out cold for about 3 hours since the incident, the sun setting and the coldness seeping in through both of their clothing. An attempt to balance yourself, you got up painfully slow, turning to look at ghost with an aching head. "What the hell happened?" You asked groggily, rubbing the at swelling forming on top of your head. Ghost chuckled sarcastically, making eye contact with her. "While you were playing sleep time, I had to save your ass from becoming a fatality." He exclaims angrily. "You costed us the mission and now we're in the middle of nowhere. Thank yourself y/n, you did amazin'." He continued, his shoulders tensing with anger.

Your eyes narrowed, taking his upset state in slowly. "Well excuse me Simon, at least we made it out alive! Plus, we did retrieve a good amount of intel—" y/n replied, more sheepishly than she intended to sound before being cut off again. "That's lieutenant, to you l/n." Ghost replied coldly, taking three more steps towards y/n. His presence was almost unbearable sometimes. His ice cold stature, his intimidating aura and the way he spoke always sent chills up y/n's spine.

In more ways than one.

She cleared her throat, diverting her attention elsewhere before speaking up. "I apologize for the state of our mission.. sir." She replied, almost whispering. As much as she pissed him off in general, he couldn't get enough at how quickly she could shrink under his gaze.

They've had disagreements in the past, leading to countless arguments and almost failed missions. But there was something about y/n that was impossible to get around. He simply could not stay away from her. She was a damn good solider, with the biggest mouth in fucking unit. Never once did she let anyone step over her, yet when it came to ghost; there was always hesitation. They'd bicker, but the minute he steps his foot down: she's down at his feet.

Just how he liked it.

With an almost defeated sigh, ghost turns himself away from y/n in an attempt to hush any unruly thoughts back where they came from. "What matters is the fact you're awake. We have no connection to our team so we make shelter over there until we can recoup in the mornin'." He says sternly, pointing at a small dark cabin up ahead. Your head snaps to where he's pointing at, your eyes widening ever so slightly.

Alone with your lieutenant. In a cabin. Just the two of you. Under the same roof.

The phrases swarm your head over and over again until you snap out of it, shaking your head and taking a deep breath. Before you could refuse, he's always walking towards the area.

Just one night y/n.. relax. How bad could this be?

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