chapter 3

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A night alone with my lieutenant. Damn it, y/n pull yourself together!

Undeniable attraction can only go so far. Those unwavering glances stolen by each other during debriefs and group meetings, shit. Those piercing, suffocating eyes that you can't get enough of always manages to take your breath away. It took months to control your thoughts about your superior, to also control the glances that he's unfortunately never missed as well.

With weary, hesitant steps you manage to follow shortly behind him. You watch as he pushes the door open slowly, keeping his guard at 100 just in case anything unexpected were to occur. After some quick searching, ghost motions you to come in.

You follow in shortly after, letting out a breath you weren't even aware that you were holding. "Cozy, ain't it?" He exclaims sarcastically, not sparing a glance your way. All you're able to spit out is a lousy 'mhm', painfully unable to keep your thoughts at bay. "You can go ahead and get comfortable solider, I'll set up this campfire yeah?" He grumbles slowly, walking over to the empty pit. A shiver goes down your spine, realizing how cold this small cabin is.

It'll just have to do. Looking around your surroundings, the place was cozy for the most part. A small fireplace, a coffee table accompanied a lightly dimmed lamp and a weirdly small chair, a cute blue carpet that led through a hallway, down to the bathroom and a nice cozy queen sized bed. A queen sized bed. One bed.


Oh my god. One fucking bed, y/n thought. You frantically searched the room again— looking for a couch, maybe a small sleeping bag? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Her gaze snapped at ghost, who had seemed to be preoccupied with setting up the fire to even notice the chaos and panic erupting in y/n's head.

The sound of wood crackling and the faint smell of ash took you out your frenzy trance. "All set." Ghost announced looking in your direction, taking steps closer to you. He was quick to notice your uncomfortable state, taking his first glance at the single bed. Oh. He sighed lowly, rolling his shoulders out slightly. "I'll take the chair, enjoy the mattress," he began, his tone not leaving much room for discussion. "Go ahead and shower first, I'll go in after you." He finished, taking a seat in wooden chair.

Your eyes darting to his, a confused expression creeping onto your eyes. "Wait no, I can't allow you to do that." You began, voice noticeably shaky. Ghost simply raised his hand, signaling you to not speak further. This made you scoff, putting a hand on your hip. His arrogance really irked you sometimes, but a part of you wanted him on that bed with you.

What are you even saying right now?

"There's enough room for the two of us ghost, we can just keep the distance." You exclaimed, trying to level with him. A loud sigh came from his mouth, his slender eyes piercing through your own silently. Ghost definitely didn't mind the comfort a warm mattress, but sleeping in the same one as a girl whom he found undeniably attractive? Yeah, not the best idea.

He was still a man, who thought like one at that. He could sense your feelings towards him and if anything were to happen, he would be unsure if he'd be able to hold himself back.

Ghost is a patient man. Until he's provoked.

"Not happening, kid. I'm fine over here." He lied through his teeth, his tone utterly monotone. There was nothing comfortable about a grown, big man sleeping in a small ass chair. Y/N held back, deciding not to speak back. You didn't want to seem desperate to have him next to you, so refraining was the next best thing. You nodded sheepishly, walking away towards the bathroom without further discussion.

After your shower, you came out in a comfortable attire compared to your bulky tactical gear. Luckily for you, ghost was always prepared with extra clothing in his backpack just in case stuff like this were to happen. Overall, you felt a bit better from what had happened earlier with the mission almost going to shit. As you were going to call out for ghost to let him know that it was his turn, you had noticed he had fallen asleep. Sitting upright in the chair, his arms crossed over one and other, eyes closed.

Your gaze softened, taking slow steps towards his peaceful state. You were now in front of him, watching his chest heave slowly. He looked so at peace, even sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Your eyes then fell to his mask, his protection from the world. You always wondered what was behind that, daydreaming about the endless possibilities of what he might look like. So deep into your thoughts, you didn't realize your hand reaching for the mask; wanting to touch it. In the midst of this, a strong grip caught you by surprise, wrapping around your wrist.

"And what do you think you're doing, y/n?" He growled at you, eyes shooting open into yours. Your heart nearly sank, a million different responses cycling through your head. "I.. uh? I'm sorry—" you began, almost pathetically. Ghost's other hand then snaked around to the back of your neck, pulling you even closer to his masked face.

"If you wanted to touch me that bad, you could've asked y/n." He whispers, his gaze glinting with amusement.

You were speechless, face immediately flushing. Those simple words were enough to erupt butterflies in your stomach. "First wanting to be in bed with me, then trying to take advantage of me while I'm sleeping. You're just full of surprises, yeah?" He adds lowly, narrowing his eyes. That amusement never leaves his gaze, leaving your body shaking in anticipation.

"I see the way you look at me y/n. Even when you think I'm not looking. Those lust filled eyes, searching mine constantly like you need me." Ghost speaks slowly, releasing the grip on your wrist and neck. He stands to his feet towering over you, almost menacingly before continuing.

"Tell me you need me, y/n." He breathes out.

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