Conditions in Zilby were harsh. Industry had polluted the water, resulting in a painful disease that darkens and thickens the skin in patches, hair started falling out and finally, lesions would grow on the body before death.
Rumours abounded on the street that the Lowly Lady Leda, one of the high ranking Mamlish had been sent to Zilby to sell coffins. Others said that it was to find participants for cancer research trials. All agreed that her presence in Zilby was particularly nefarious, more so than the other Mamlish.
Despite the Lesser Lord's proclamation that consumer goods were necessary for a well ordered and functioning society, many people felt that they had too much. Or less politely many people said, "We only have crap that collects dust".
There were public chastisements for those who wore worn out clothes, people were expected to buy something new every week, people who did not keep the walls of their houses well painted were given warnings.
Even worse punishments were reserved for those who did not pay for the things that they were required to buy. It was virtually impossible to get a well-paying job in Zilby, most of the goods were imported from the mainland, where the slave owners lived. The slaves came over to ensure that the imports were made on time and this administrative work was done exclusively by the Lesser Lords and Lowly Ladies. These were the titles that the Mamlish gave the ruling slave class.
Upstream of the main town on Zilby island there were large orange orchards, these required many workers during the harvest season so people were not allowed to leave the island for fear that there will not be enough people during the harvest.
Downstream there was the harbour, citizens could frequently be seen harvesting mussels and other molluscs that clung to the rocks. Very often this was the only food that the citizens would eat because they had no money for food once they had bought all the hairclips and handbags that they were required to by the Mamlish.
Violence was accepted by the Mamlish as "just part of human nature" Rudeness was not. An insult was the greatest offence because they argued, that bruises and bones mend, even dead bodies eventually rot away leaving no trace of their existence, but words, words could be written down, therefore they were permanent and lasted forever. The Mamlish took great care to protect their name.
The Merchant Lords required that every word spoken in the inner chamber be transcribed, this instruction was written in the original contract and therefore was considered to be most sacred. The Lesser Lord George, therefore, did not allow any person to enter the inner chamber without foreknowledge of what exactly they were going to say. Whenever a disagreeable person came to see him, the keys would mysteriously go missing.
By the third episode the plot was in full swing. Phoenix had fought against guards, fought against dogs and most interestingly fought against his inner demons. The Lesser Lord George had captured Annabelle and placed her on top of a high column.
Phoenix rounded the corner on his motorbike. On the side of the river there was ramp, which might have served as a wheelchair ramp, were it not for the steep incline necessary for Phoenix's to make the jump across the river. Phoenix motorbike lifted into the air.
"Come save me" Annabelle cried out "Phoenix, Phoenix, I need you" The left shoulder of her dress started to droop a bit leaving the bra strap exposed.
The Lesser Lord George could be heard laughing maniacally. "You thought that you would make the world better for the ones you love by demanding clean water for them. But look, I have taken the one you love the most and do you think that things are better for her Phoenix now that you have tried to challenge me."
The Characterisation of Annabelle le Roux
General FictionPhoenix is a muscular good looking, crime fighting superhero and now he is dead. What will his creator James do to fill the void. Ah, he has a solution. Annabelle le Roux. This story is the result of spending too much times on the website TV tropes...