Chapter Fifteen: Admiration and Disdain

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The Lesser Lord George was sitting on the high throne when Annabelle entered the room. His fingers were drumming against the arm rest.

"Ah Annabelle" he said with curve of his mouth suggesting a smile. "I hear that you have come with the demands for your people"

Annabelle touched her hip by her gun holster to comfort herself. She didn't know that it would be as easy as it had been to get the weapons passed the guards.

"You always prolong the niceties, that's how you manage to get it passed the people and then you rob them blind with their blessing" stated Annabelle.

"Blessing? Yes I think that I do have the people's blessing" he paused for a moment, the giant ring on his left hand served only to demonstrate how skinny the finger was underneath it. "Many people find you claiming to represent them distressing. They like the status quo. We all have our lords, the world runs best when it is properly ordered. You know that. You won't be a troublemaker. Will you?"

"I will do whatever the hell I want to" Annabelle grabbed the gun and pointed it directly at the Lesser Lord George. "Unlike you I answer to no-one. I only want to protect the people"

Annabelle felt powerful as the recoil of the gun ran vibrated through her hand. Immediately two burly guards came out from the side of the Lesser Lord George. The one tried to grab Annabelle's gun wielding hand, while the other went to punch Annabelle in the face.

All the hours of watching Phoenix practice came to use, she pushed the first one onto the ground and then roundhouse kicked the other.

"Get her, you bastards" cried the Lesser Lord George 'She could have killed me, and then who will manage the island?"

"The People" Annabelle shout out in a triumphant voice. "The people will rule themselves"

"How will the people know what is good for them?" asked the Lesser Lord George, but Annabelle did not answer, she pulled trigger again. The Lesser Lord George lay withering on the ground. He had been shot but Annabelle could see that the wound was unlikely to be fatal.

"I've spared you, this time." She said, while the Lesser Lord George appeared to try and mouth some words. "So that you can go home and warn your kind that they are not welcome here. Go back and tell them to start preparing for their departure. We are magnanimous. Unlike you"

The hall filled with smoke from the fires that burnt in the city. Annabelle walked out of the hall calmly while a slave girl ran to help the Lesser Lord George.

"Here" Annabelle threw a vial to her as she ran past. "It's a painkiller, it really helps the children who have sore tummies after drinking the polluted water'

When Elizabeth Martell turned on the TV for her favourite show, she was grinning from ear to ear. She loved Annabelle. Annabelle was exactly who she wanted to be. Annabelle could say exactly what she wanted to say. Unlike Elizabeth, who frequently got told that she is rude.

The other day she had sat in class discussing her ideas about the enlightenment, when one of the boys in class said "Pascal's wager is not much of a wager, would God want a person to believe in him, simply because the consequences are bad, besides that's not how belief works. I don't choose what to believe, based on what I want to believe, but rather believe because of the evidence that is presented to me"

Elizabeth had spent twenty minutes saying exactly that, but the teacher gave him high praise and told her that she should grow up and listen to others more. All she ever did was listen and yet when she tried to talk, people told her that she talked too much.

The Characterisation of Annabelle le RouxWhere stories live. Discover now