Chapter 3: Galactic Vegeta

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At the Meadow

"Me and my men have been waiting for this moment ever since our home planet, Planet Vegeta, was destroyed 30 years ago." Paragus said, still bowing to Vegeta and Galaxia. Paragus then raises his head towards Galaxia, who distrustfully narrows her eyes. "And of course, me and my men have heard tales about the immense power and beauty of the Legendary Sailor Guardian: Sailor Galaxia. Now, seeing you in person, I see those tales were true." Paragus added.

Galaxia's eyes widen at the fact that he knows about the Sailor Guardians. Galaxia explodes. "HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE SAILOR GUARDIANS?! AND WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"

"I've come to graciously ask you both to be the rulers of our new planet. Its name is Galactic Vegeta in you and Lady Galaxia's honor." Paragus said calmly. "What, Galactic Vegeta?" Vegeta asked. Paragus turns to Vegeta. "Yes my Lord, and at long last we can once again show the entire universe the strength of our forgotten race, the mightiest race." Paragus puts his arms up. "The Saiyans, and with you two as our leaders, we can build an unstoppable empire!" "Hail Vegeta, Hail Galaxia!" Yelled all the guards as they put one arm in the air.

Vegeta and Galaxia showed no interest as they only growled under their breath and started to walk away.

"Of course, we will have to stop the Legendary Super Saiyan, my lord and Lady. Paragus said. "Only you two can do this." Vegeta and Galaxia stopped at Paragus's words. "You found the Legendary Super Saiyan?" He asked. "Yes, he's wreaking havoc all over the South Galaxy with his awesome power, at his current pace, even our new Galactic Vegeta, which we've worked so hard to build for you two, will be destroyed.

Vegeta began to give in to Paragus's story, Galaxia however, was pondering about the circumstances regarding this "Legendary Super Saiyan."

"I don't believe Paragus has the best intentions, but I remember King Kai talking about the South galaxy being destroyed by a saiyan when he asked to see me yesterday." She thought as she remembered the conversation she had with King Kai.


Galaxia sat across from King Kai, in her sailor form, at the tiny table on his remote planet. "A Super Saiyan destroyed an entire galaxy!" Galaxia exclaimed. "Yes, it was the South galaxy, and now he's on course to our galaxy, the North one. King Kai said.

"But I thought the only Saiyans that were still alive after Planet Vegeta got wiped out were Goku and Vegeta, and neither of them have the strength to destroy an entire galaxy!" Galaxia exclaimed, knowing what happened to most of the Saiyan race.

"That's what I thought too, but it seems like there was one we didn't notice." King Kai continued. "And what's worse is that I sensed an even more powerful kai energy that runs deep into being pure malice, coinciding with this Saiyan's energy." He adds.

Galaxia thinks about it for a moment, then looks at King Kai with determination. "I'll go investigate it tomorrow. I feel like something is going to happen tomorrow and when that happens, I'll go check it out. I also recommend you let Goku know about this. We're going to need all the help we can get to take this saiyan and this evil being down." She said and King Kai nodded in agreement.

End of Flashback

Galaxia snapped out of her thoughts when Trunks ran up to her and Vegeta. "Father, Galaxia, you two are not going to fall for such a story, are you?" He asked. Vegeta turned around and walked towards Paragus. "Paragus, lead the way." He said.

"Father! Listen to me!" Trunks yelled, trying to reason with Vegeta. Trunks stopped when he caught up to Paragus. "Of course, you welcome too, Prince Trunks. After all, you are royal blood." Paragus said. Trunks just glared at Paragus.

Galaxia shook her head and walked over to Bulma, who had an annoyed expression on her face. "Don't worry Bulma, I'll make sure that jerk comes home." She reassured. Bulma's face began to look relieved as Galaxia walked over to the spaceship.

The spaceship was about to take off and three people were struggling at the entrance. It was Master Roshi, Gohan, and Krillin. Roshi was still drunk and was trying to stop Vegeta and Galaxia but he was stopped, or at least, tried to be stopped by Gohan, and Krillin.

"Wait, Vegeta, Galaxia, what are you two thinking?!" Master Roshi yelled. "Master Roshi, this thing is about to take off!" Krillin exclaimed as he and Gohan tried to stop Roshi. Gohan was at Master Roshi's right side, hanging on to his leg, Krillin was at his left, holding on to his waist, and Oolong was just hanging on to his back. They were going back and forth, but they had no choice but to go forward since they were at the door and the door was closing.

Bulma got annoyed again as she watched this scene unfold. "The king of his own planet? Yeah, that's just what he needs." She said, annoyed. "Mom, I'm going, I'll bring Dad and Galaxia home with me." Trunks said as he ran and flew inside the spaceship. "Good luck Trunks and Galaxia." Bulma said as the spaceship flew off.

King Kai's Planet

Goku had just finished a whole bowl of rice. He then went for a large piece of meat. "So there's a Super Saiyan in the South Galaxy, is that right?" Goku asked. "Actually, he's already torn up most of the South Galaxy and it appears he's on course towards the North Galaxy next, and that's our galaxy you know." King Kai said in a matter-of-fact tone. Bobo was cleaning up dishes that were left on the table. "Oh." Goku said. "And what I'm really afraid of Goku, is that he may actually be stronger than you. Plus, as I mentioned to Galaxia yesterday, I sensed an even more powerful kai energy that runs deep into being pure evil, so this Super Saiyan may be working alongside this evil being." King Kai said worriedly. Goku began to squirm in his chair. "Really?! That's so amazing!" Goku exclaimed excitedly. "This is not the time to be excited, this is a bad thing category Goku." King Kai said. "Ok, right." Goku said.

Goku stretched. "Ok, where do I find them, King Kai?" He asked. "I'm not sure." King Kai said. "Hey, I thought you Kai's are supposed to know everything?" Goku said disappointed. "It depends on my mood, all I know is that they are somewhere in the South Galaxy, just use your instant transmission." King Kai said. "Yeah, then I can search for their energy." Goku said. He then placed two fingers on his forehead and began to concentrate for a good ten seconds then stopped. "Uh King Kai, can you tell me which way is South again?" Goku said, stupefied. Bobo dropped the last set of plates and fell. King Kai pointed South.

"Ok, I'll search that way then." Goku said as he put his fingers on his forehead again. "Got it, it's weak, but it's definitely Saiyan energy alright. And I also sense an evil energy like you said, see you soon, take care." Goku stated as he teleported away from King Kai's planet. "Oh well, let's hope he's right." King Kai said.

With Goku

Goku appeared on a planet that had nothing but ruins and he could not sense a single soul around. It looked like a huge battle just transpired. "I just missed them, but for them to leave such a strong trail of energy is unheard of." Goku thought. "Whoa this is unreal, maybe King Kai was right, these two just might be stronger than any of us."

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