he coughed five petals in the toilet

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Thursday morning it was unpleasant to wake up with a yellow petal on his pillow. A small trail of dried blood was on his chin, but luckily he managed to clean it up before his parents could see him.

Despite not feeling that well still, he decided to go to school. If he started to not behave normally people would've got worried, or worse, suspicious, and that was exactly what he was trying to avoid.

The first few hours went on normally, and he found that almost cathartic. He was happily bored during his math class, and then had a history test which he managed to do fairly decently. The lack of flowers made him feel calmer, but that quickly vanished as recess approached.

While he walked through the hallway, he started feeling an itch in his throat.

Craig quickly thought about his friends: he felt the need to talk to someone (something he probably never experienced before), because going through this alone was starting to feel mentally draining.

Finding some help would've definitely been the right thing, as much as he wished he didn't have to.

Clyde was the one he considered his best friend, but he wasn't a suitable option: he was a good guy, but way too emotional, and if Craig came up and told him about his dumbass life threatening condition he would've either started crying or gotten a heart attack, or both.

Jimmy wasn't a great option either: he was amazing at cheering people up and would've offered him a shoulder to cry on, but Craig wasn't looking for comfort. What he needed was someone logical enough to help him come up with a plan.

Obviously Tweek was out of the picture too, which left only Tolkien.

Yeah, he was definitely the best option. He was smart and rational, for sure he would've helped him to think about it thoroughly.

He could feel the tingling in his throat more and more as he walked, so he sped up. As he avoided people in the hallway, he headed towards the backyard where they always hung out between lessons. His plan was simple: find Tolkien, explain the situation and hope that he had a decent solution.

When he was only a few meters away from the door, the stinging became too much. He tried to suppress it the whole time, but the way he could feel petals scratching his throat became too overwhelming and his body reacted without him being able to stop it. Resulting in a coughing fit, he had to lean on the wall next to him; a few people turned around to watch him, which didn't help. He tried to hold it back while he looked for a bathroom, and as soon as he spotted one he rushed into it.

He barely made it to the first open toilet before he threw up.

A few quick breaths, then more coughing, and finally he was able to breathe normally again. He wiped his chin, slightly wet with spit and a bit of blood, with his hand and then he looked at the yellow flower that was staring back at him from the toilet. It was almost poetic.

That full-of-meaning moment was quickly interrupted by a familiar voice and the sound of some steps: "Hey dude, are you alright? You seemed to be struggl- what the fuck?".

Much to Craig's dismay, it wasn't Tolkien behind him, or even Jimmy or Clyde.

Hell, he would've been happier if turning around he found Kyle Broflovski facing him. At least, despite being an asshole, he could've helped him in a significant way.

But no, of course luck reserved him the least rational person on the face of the earth.

Kenny McCormick was staring horrified at the toilet where he just threw up a whole fucking flower. He sighed, contemplating putting his whole head in the toilet and flushing it away, but before he could proceed the other boy recollected himself.

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