coughing with every word

101 6 14

we're finally here with the big confession!

i gotta say, it feels weird that this fic is coming to an end, but don't worry, i have another one already in the works ;)

i just need to edit the last chapter so you won't be waiting for long!
hope you enjoy it <3

warning for: homophobia (cartman), slurs, talking about death and blood

An awkward silence settled between them as they walked.

Craig didn't dare to utter a word, as he felt like if he did anything slightly different from what he planned everything would've been screwed up and his fate would've been sealed.

Tweek, on the other side, looked so distressed that it seemed like he might combust at any moment.

They just walked for ten minutes, without saying a word.

A million thoughts were rushing through Craig's head: from the speech he practiced in front of his mirror in the last few days, to every stupid advice that Clyde gave him, to the fear that Tweek might say anything that lead him to panic and ruin his plan.

Like he could read his mind, the blond boy actually spoke.

"So, Craig, I wanted to-" he twitched slightly while he spoke "To talk to you, because recently I-".

Before he could say another word, Craig immediately cut him off.

"I know, I want to talk to you about something too, but can we please wait until we get to the park?" he almost shouted, sounding way more panicked than he hoped.

Tweek looked at him with a puzzled look.

"...I've been dying to get on the ferris wheel," he added with an awkward smile.

"Oh, ok" Tweek nodded, still looking confused.

Silence settled once again between them.

'Great, he probably thinks I've gone completely insane. Fuck Clyde and his fucking stupid sappy idea' he thought to himself.

They were getting closer to the park, less than ten minutes Craig estimated, and he was starting to get more and more nervous, but also relieved: it was almost over, in like an hour he would've known what his future was, and one way or another he would've never had to worry about dumb flowers again.

Right when he was thinking about how everything was going along with his plan, the second worst thing that could've happened in thatt moment happened.

The only thing that could possibly ruin everything, and that he didn't even take into account, was right beside them, just a few meters further.

Eric fucking Cartman.

Behind him there were obviously his assholes friends and Kenny, and for a second Craig considered killing them before they could mess with him and Tweek.

"Look, if it isn't my least favourite fag and his faggy boyfriend" that idiot shouted, walking closer to them.

"Why don't you walk away and go fuck yourself, fatass?" Craig replied bitterly.

He couldn't really stand any of them, but if there was a person in particular he would've erased from the face of earth, that was Cartman. He spent all the school years they shared giving them shit for being gay, and both him and Tweek got in trouble more than once for getting in fights with him.

He was irredeemably an asshole, and definitely the last person who they needed around in such a crucial moment.

"Ay, aren't you happy to see me?".

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