they were holding hands between their sleeping bags

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As he walked out the door, Craig picked his phone from his pocket while with the other hand he fixed his backpack's strap on his shoulder.

He shot a quick text to Tweek saying that they were leaving while he entered the car.

Laura hummed the song being played on the radio while she drove. After a few minutes, she turned the volume down and glanced at Craig with a worried look.

"I know you don't want to, but if you start to feel sick, call me and I'll come pick you up," she told Craig, her face full of concern "I think you caught something, maybe we can visit the doctor next week".

It made him feel even more like shit: he knew well what was wrong with him, and the thought of it making his mom worry wasn't helping. Seeing a doctor was completely out of the picture, not with the risk of having to go through surgery. He just needed to have faith in Tweek.

"Yeah mom, I will. I think it was the school lunch tho, I feel better already" he replied. She nodded, but judging by the look she gave him, she wasn't convinced.

Once they reached Tweek Bros, the car stopped. Almost immediately, Tweek appeared at the car door. He waved goodbye at his parents while he rushed into the car, getting into the backseat.

Craig smiled softly and then resumed talking with his mom. After a while he zoned out tho, focusing on catching any signal of a possible incoming coughing fit.

He said goodbye to his mom and walked inside, followed by Tweek. The other boys were already there: Clyde was on the couch, scrolling on his phone, while Jimmy and Tolkien were playing some video games.

"Hey guys!" he greeted them.

They dropped their backpacks next to the couch and took off their shoes, then they both took a seat next to their friends.

"We ordered pizzas, once they arrive we can watch the movie" Tolkien informed Craig, without lifting his eyes from the screen.

They quietly watched them playing Mario Kart until someone rang the doorbell, and their dinner arrived.

After they cut each pizza and Tolkien chose the film on Netflix, they all sat back on the couch.

Craig recognised it from an ad he saw on youtube a few days prior: it seemed like a shitty horror movie, and fifteen minutes in his worries were confirmed. It was complete bullshit, full of plotholes and the special effects weren't even that great. Sadly his friends seemed really invested so he didn't even bother asking if they could switch.

Once he finished the pizza, not having anything else to focus on other than the movie, he leaned back on the couch and tried to enjoy it.

Halfway through it, a bunch of jumpscares started to happen. As one might expect, those made Tweek freak out each time; Craig found it extremely fascinating how the other boy wasn't fazed at all by the most atrocious gore, but as soon as a person appeared screaming "BOO" he would jump out of his skin.

That was exactly what happened: a dead body was suddenly found by the main character and Tweek was startled enough to lean onto Craig. He felt the boy squirm against his shoulder and it made him slightly blush: it made him feel like the other boy found comfort in him, like he was his actual boyfriend.

As sappy as it sounded, that moment made watching that mess of a movie worth it.

The small smile that formed at the corner of his lips didn't last long. Right when he finally managed to shake the thought of his disease from his mind, the sudden closure with Tweek triggered his illness again.

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