maybe he did die, and was actually in heaven

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At that moment, Craig was ready to hear everything. He was ready to be rejected, to be told how disgusting he was, he was ready for Tweek to run away and leave him there alone.

A small part of his brain was ready to hear that yes, Tweek loved him back, and they were safe, and could spend the rest of their long, long life together.

He was even ready for the other boy to just faint, or get a heart attack, because who could blame him? The whole situation was just so absurd.

But he wasn't ready to hear what Tweek actually said.

"MICHAEL!" he shouted, with his eyes wide open.

Craig would've bursted out laughing, if it wasn't his life at stake. That name was definitely the last thing he would've expected to hear.

Before he could ask for an explanation, another stronger coughing fit got to him and he struggled to stay still, so much that Tweek grabbed his shoulder to support him.

They were staring at each other.

"I mean- I mean" he stuttered. "Oh god, well, I mean-".

Craig wanted to tell him to breathe in, to try and relax before speaking, like he was used to when Tweek was panicking, but couldn't talk. Like he could read his mind, though, the other boy closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, then tried to talk again.

"I mean, that when we were kids, and we decided to stage that break up thing, I was so scared, because I felt like I was incapable of doing it-" he kept twitching as he spoke, but managed to stay as still as possible.

"And for my whole life nobody thought I could do anything, I was just the weird twitchy kid that no one took seriously- Even my parents didn't have the smallest amount of faith in me".

Craig was starting to struggle to stay focused but tried his best to keep listening.

"So I started believing that I really wasn't good for anything, and that I would've never been able to accomplish anything , and then-" he stopped again to take a deep breath. "Then you said those things to me, about how I could do it, and how I was capable of doing things, and for the first time I had someone believing in me!".

"And I've never felt like that before, I was so confident in myself, and I was able to say all those things and act and I even made up that Michael thing without messing anything up! Without you, I would've never believed that I had that in me!".

Craig smiled softly. He wasn't sure of what was going on anymore, but there was something so comforting just in the way Tweek spoke to him that it made him forget he was dying.

"Then I realized how bad I hurt you by doing that, and I felt so awful because I managed to hurt the only person who cared about me, and I just wanted to fix whatever was hurting you, and to never hurt you again, and, and-".

"...And now I learn that I managed to hurt you so badly, I don't even have the words for it, Craig, I'm so sorry, I" he stopped to wipe the tears from his eyes with his jacket's sleeve. "I don't know what I'm saying anymore" he sniffed.

"The thing is, Craig, what I want to say is-" he took another deep breath before finishing his sentence.

"-that I love you too".

'I love you too'.

That sounded loud and clear in Craig's ears, despite how dizzy he felt and how little he was able to breath.

Actually, those four words kept repeating in his mind, like he feared to forget them.

It was almost impossible for him to believe that after everything he went through, after all the pain, it was actually over. He won.

Tweek loved him back.

Just as he pronounced the last word, Craig felt like his lungs were lifted off a weight he didn't even realize they were holding: the flowers and their roots had completely disappeared, he was free, he could breathe, everything was finally okay. He was safe.

"And I can't deal with the fact that you are dying and that it's my fault, I can't live with it, if there is any way I can stop this- I'm really sorry Craig-" he kept talking, as he reached to pull his hair with his hands in distress.

"Tweek!" he tried to interrupt him from spiraling.

"I can't let you die like this! I wish we could switch places, or that I said something before, I'm such an idiot, I'm sorry, I really am, I-".


It took the little strength he had left to scream, but he was able to catch Tweek's attention before he could keep drowning into his own thoughts.

Tweek just stared at him, eyes still full of fear.

"W- What?".

"It's over- I'm safe, I can breathe just fine! You love me back, so I- I'm ok! The disease, it's cured, I guess" he said, still trying to catch his breath.

"What?" he just repeated, staring in disbelief.

"If the love gets reciprocated, the disease is cured. So I'm safe, you saved me!" he smiled, still crying.

A thousand different emotions went through Tweek's face at that moment, making Craig fear that he was actually about to have a heart attack.

"Oh god, really? God, I'm so- I'm so relieved, Craig, I really thought you were gonna-" he hiccuped before he could finish the sentence, so he just threw himself on Craig and hugged him.

The boy reciprocated the hug, holding on him so tight like he feared he could slip away from him.

After a few moments, where Tweek was able to calm down and Craig started breathing normally again, they parted and just looked at each other.

"I'm so happy," he said.

"Me too" Tweek smiled softly "And you've been dealing with this, all alone? Man, I was so worried that something was wrong with you, but I would've never expected something like this, oh god, that was a lot".

"Yeah- well, Clyde figured it out so I wasn't really alone, but you know, he's... Clyde" he said, making Tweek chuckle.

"Oh, wait, let me just-" he then started rummaging through his pockets, grabbed a tissue, and began to wipe the blood from Craig's face.

It made him think for a second that maybe he did die, and was actually in heaven, because this was way too perfect to be true.

Once he was done, Craig moved forward and pressed a kiss on his lips, which made them both giggle like two idiots. Weird to think about it, they actually never properly kissed even though they were "together" for almost seven years.

"So, can I still call you my boyfriend?" he asked, once they parted.

"Of course you can" Tweek smiled softly, then he got up and helped Craig doing the same.

"Shall we go home? We can relax a bit after all this stress and watch something-".

"Are you kidding? Now I really want to go on that ferris wheel".


Thank you for sticking with me and for all your support <3

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