if I'm still alive next week

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Eventually Craig built up the courage to reply, making up a dumb excuse


I'm sorry Tweek, my mom doesn't want anyone over, she fears that i might pass you something



It left a bittersweet taste in Craig's mouth, to lie like this. But after all, what was he supposed to do? It wasn't like he could meet up with Tweek and risk being asked something about what was wrong with him.

Or worse, what if Tweek wanted to just break up? Maybe he grew tired of this act and wanted to end it. The possibility was tearing apart Craig's mind.

That led him to throw up a few more flowers over the day. He studied out of desperation, just to keep his mind occupied, and the afternoon went on painfully slow. He tried to check his phone less possible, only to avoid having to lie again to Tweek: the boy asked again to meet up another day, and Craig had to dismiss him again.

There was only a certain number of times he could keep doing it before they would argue about it, so in the evening he resigned and started typing.


Can we meet up on Saturday? By then I will be ok I hope

There's an amusement park not to far, we could go there



You're not coming to school this week?


Not tomorrow

Maybe the day after

They chatted for a while, until it was late and they both had to go to sleep.

Craig managed to convince his parents to let him stay home another day, with the promise that he would've visited the doctor next week if he didn't get better.

'If I'm still alive next week' he thought, while he obediently nodded.

While walking towards his room, he reflected on it: in a week he might be dead. It was weird to think about it. After the rollercoaster of emotions he went through in the past days, the idea didn't even scare him anymore; he felt almost... excited, as if he was about to figure out a shocking plot twist in a movie and not his fate.

'Must be like those seven stages of grief or some bullshit like that' he shook his head to get rid of these thoughts while he slipped into his bed.

Luckily, he didn't dream of anything this time, or it wasn't important enough to remember it. He woke up late again, answered a few texts, and ate breakfast, just like the day before.

He threw up some flowers after lunch, as expected, and then he threw himself on the couch and turned on the tv. He was bored as hell: staying at home like this was becoming torture.

A few hours later Tricia arrived from school.

"Are you gonna rot on the couch for the whole day?" she mumbled as she walked next to him.

"Fuck off" was all he managed to answer.

She stopped walking and looked at him with a more confused look.
"Are you sure you're ok? You're not like your usual kind of asshole- more like a sad kind of asshole".

"Yeah, yeah" he replied.

"Trouble in paradise? Something wrong with Tweek?" she questioned.

Craig was slightly startled by the question "Sort of". She looked genuinely surprised by his honesty.

"Don't mess it up, dumbass- he's a good guy. You look much happier when you're with him".

"Since when do you care about my relationship?" he asked.

"Since when your relationship problems are stopping me from watching Netflix on the couch after a long day at school" she remarked, as she walked away.

Craig sighed and lifted himself from the couch, moving to his bedroom.

The day went on completely uneventful, and then the day after he went to school, and if it was possible it was even more uneventful: he couldn't concentrate on his lessons, and kept going to the bathroom to throw up, and worst of all he had to avoid Tweek to not risk being asked too many questions. He hated it and hated behaving like an asshole with the poor boy, whose face grew more and more worried every time they interacted.

Friday? Exactly the same. He feared that at this point he might've risked dying of boredom before he could die of his disease.

Finally, after what felt like years, Saturday afternoon came.
He had to literally beg his mom to make him go out, since she was still convinced he had a cold or something, but eventually he convinced her by promising he would've wore a scarf and a heavier jacket, and that he wouldn't come home late.

The hoodie he chose wasn't his usual one, as he figured he should've worn something more fancy for the occasion, and in the meanwhile Clyde was literally blowing up his phone with texts.


Are you ready?

Did you dress decently?

If you put your usual hoodie I'm going to kick your ass

I believe in you dude

but seriously please dress decently

Craig sighed each time his phone lit up, making him fear it was Tweek and anything might have gone wrong with his plan.

Eventually he was ready, and after picking up his phone and wallet he headed out.

"Are you sure you're okay?" his mom asked as he walked past her in the living room.

"Yes mom, don't worry".

He smiled at the end to try and sound more convincing, to which his mom replied with an equally uncertain smile.

"See you later" he waved before closing the door behind him.

As he walked, he felt weirdly happy: he was about to confess to Tweek. And maybe, just maybe, everything would've gone the right way and at the end of the day he would've been healthy and with a boyfriend.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to worry about it.

So why overthink it in the first place?

He reached the place where they usually met, and spotted Tweek a few meters away.

The boy started walking faster to reach Craig, which made him smile.

"Hi Tweek".

"Hi Craig".

They awkwardly stared at each other for a few seconds, then Tweek broke the silence.

"Should we get - gah going?" he sputtered.

"Sure, let's go".


Next chapter is the big confession :))))

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