Chapter 6

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*Clara pov*
After I calmed down I went to call Fred
Fred: I know that you love me and everything but we just saw each.... What happened why are crying wait let me call George first
George: lara who did this to my great great witch
Clara: so umm something happened and umm I need to talk to someone and you guys are the only one I can talk too freely
George: hey you know we are always here for you so tell us whatever you want
Clara: Ok so um dad came here bec. I didn't answer him and well while he was here stefan came to talk to care but he saw dad and well things came to shit after that
Fred: he understood that you are a witch
Clara: yeah... And then we started shouting at each other and after a lot of shouting he told me he still love me and he kissed me but I pushed him away but you know he is in a relationship with elena and I don't know if I still love him or notand I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO
George: wow we were just there yesterday
Fred: yea man a lot of drama happens there
Clara: you guys are not helping
George: OK wait remember when I knew Valerie at first and I didn't know if I like her or not you guys told me to talk about her and you will know
Fred: what are you trying to say exactly
George: what I am saying is Clara should talk about her relationship with stefan and then we will know if you should ignore what happened or do something
Fred: OK ok so Clara what about you tell us when your relationship started things you guys did how did you meet or like anything that made you happy
Clara: okay soon......

Five years ago
The war finished last month and we lost alof of people. Clara decided  that she will travel some time to clear her mind and now she is in Santorini, Greece sitting on the beach when a man sat in the chair next to her
Unknown: you look lonely
Clara: oh noo I am just relaxing
Unknown: well where is your friends or family
Clara: I came here alone actually
Unknown: what a shame a beautiful girl like you alone well then I am stefan
Clara: Clara nice to meet you stefan

And from that moment stefan relationship grew more and more
6 months later
Clara was returning her's and stefan apartment. Some people think she moved there too soon since it just been 3 months but me and stefan love each other so we don't care I entered the house and saw stefan cooking in the kitchen
Stefan : hello beautiful
I hugged him from the back
Clara: hello handsome
We kissed
Clara: so what are we gonna do today
Stefan: nothing much just Ave dinner and maybe go take a walk or watch a movie whatever you

End of flashback

Clara: so yep technically that my relathionship with stefan having simple and normal days with the man I love some people can say it is boring but I like it that way without drama we understood each other without even trying do you guys understand me
Fred: shit girl you are in love
Clara: what
George: well I think you should come for some time like take a vacation or something from this drama and you know we will make you feel better
Clara: yea I think i should do that I can't really face stefan after what happened yesterday
Fred: OK then go pack and we will see you later
*end call*
And with that I called Caroline and mom to tell them that I am leaving again for some time and then  I started packing again to go to England

Clara pov:
After i went to England again I saw my dad sitting in the living room with Harry
Harry: Clara I didnt know you were coming
Clara: yea I wasn't really going to come anytime soon but I thought why not a little vacation between the drama
Harry:well it is good to have you back Clara I have to go but see you later bye
I hugged harry good bye and then he left
I turned to dad to see him raising his eyebrows while looking at me
Clara: what?
I asked him knowing very well what does he want
Series: what happened between you and that boy who I was told his name is stefan and I am sure I know who is that stefan
Clara: well then if you know everything why are you asking me
Series: you still love him
Clara: yea dad I still love him and I still care about him and he is not making that go away I mean he is the same stefan I fell I love with caring kind treat me like a princess and............ Love me
Series: what happened sweetheart
I looked at him in tears
Series: oh sweetheart come here
He opened his arms to me and with that I hugged him tight while crying so hard because I am hopelessly in love with stefan salvatore and I don't know what to do...

Hey guyyyss just a small chapter here so what do you think I also loveeee Fred, George & Clara friendship like they are the cutest trio
Also what about series and Clara they are the cutest father and daughter.
Also I won't be able to update a lot like before because of school & stuff so yeah
Hope you have a nice day ☺️

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