Chapter 19

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Clara pov:

Me and caroline appeared in the living room of the black house and we saw everyone standing and talking when they saw us they stared at us
Clara: ummm I hope we didnt interrupt you guys
George: ohh silly it's your home now come here give me a hug
I went to hug him and the others
Clara: OK so this is Caroline my sister from mystic falls she is going to stay with us for some days
Series: well Caroline you are always welcome
Clara: well then let me introduce you to everyone

After some time Caroline was chatting with ginny and hermonie and I was sitting with Fred and george
Fred: so what exactly are you doing, don't you have some problems with the hybrid
Clara: well actually I wanted some help in a little problem
George: and what is it exactly
Clara: so um stefan has klaus coffins which has his family and in one of them there is his mother's body, I can't really locate them so I need a spell to make sure that the coffin of his mothers can't be opened
Fred: and what about the spells you have
Clara: they are not good enough
George: I am sure we will find something

Mystic falls

Klaus' Mansion

Klaus closes Rebekah's coffin.
Klaus: Sweet dreams Rebekah. To Mindy. Show her to her room, would you, love?
Mindy: Sure.
Mindy wheels the coffin away.
Klaus: I'm surprised you're still in town. I gave you your freedom, you could have gone anywhere.
Stefan is leaning against a doorframe.
Stefan: I live here, Klaus.
Klaus: Well, if we're playing this game, then...I was here first.
Stefan: You know, I don't like your hybrid friends. They're everywhere, kind of like fleas. I want them gone.
Klaus: Yeah, well I kind of like having them around. You know, I'm hurt. I hoped that when I freed you, we'd pick up where we left off. But here you are, guzzling vervain like the rest of them, I'm sure. So much for friendship.
Stefan: Friends don't strip friends of their free will.
Klaus: Okay, granted, yeah, that was a little extreme, but I get a little moody. Just ask my siblings. Speaking of whom, isn't it time you handed them over?
Stefan: Klaus, get your hybrids out of Mystic Falls or I will remove them myself.
Klaus: Hmm. You see, if you continue to threaten me, I'm gonna be forced to retaliate. Kill people. And it will get messy again.
Stefan: Do whatever you want, I don't really care. Or you know what? Maybe I do. Maybe I care so much, that I'll drop Elijah in the Arctic.
Klaus: Well, maybe I'll be willing to lose one brother if it meant killing yours.
Stefan: Try me, let's find out.
Mindy walks in.
Mindy: Is everything okay?
Klaus: Everything is fine, Mindy. Stefan was just leaving after failing to make his point.
Stefan waits a moment, grabs a saw from the work table he's next to, rushes over to Mindy and cuts her head clean off with it.
Stefan: Well, one down. You may want to, ah, send the rest of them away before it gets messy, again.
He throws the saw back on the table and leaves.

Next day with clara

Today is Caroline birthday so I woke up early to bake her a birthday cake with the help of my friends then we waited for her in the dark to come in
When we heared footsteps
Clara : happy birthdaaay my baby sister
Caroline tearing up: you didn't forget
Clara : of course I didn't forget it is my favorite sister birthday
Caroline: I am your only sister
Clara: yea anyway, now come on make a wish
We celebrated the whole day drinking and eating cake and now it was night time everyone went to sleep except me and Caroline
Caroline: I now understand why you like it here more
Clara: what
Caroline : I mean everybody loves each other you guys look like a big family
Clara: well and I am even luckier to have you and you need to know that this family is yours too so if you ever feel that you are tired you can always come here and I am sure they will welcome you

Mystic falls
Founders' Hall

Klaus is talking with Carol Lockwood.
Klaus: You know Carol when I think of a mayor I think of an old fuddy-duddy, but you really have changed my perception!
Carol: Oh, thank you!
Damon sees Klaus and Carol Lockwood talking and walks over to them.
Klaus: I mean you are just delightful! What color are your eyes?
Carol: They are blue.
Klaus: Oh yes, they are.
Damon: Look at what the cat dragged in. Nice vest.
Daniel is standing behind Klaus.
Klaus: Thank you very much, good to see you, Damon. Carol and I were discussing about whether you would be the other big benefactor.
Carol: What do you say Damon? Klaus has made a very generous pledge. You know how we're chomping at the bit to begin the renovation.
Damon: Carol, don't take this the wrong way, but do you realize that you've been kissing the ass of an immortal hybrid who ruined your son's life?
Klaus: Oh, come now. Some would say that I saved it from all that nasty full moon business. I've never had to go through it myself more than twice, to be honest, but still, I'm very sympathetic.
Carol: Klaus has promised to protect Tyler, Damon. And our town.
Damon: From who? His hybrids are the one the town needs protection from.
Klaus: Well, I'd have no use for them if your brother would kindly return my family.
Damon: Not gonna happen.
Klaus: That's what I thought, which is why I've come to an agreement with the Mayor. You and the Council stay out of my hair, I stay out of yours. Your town gets protected, my hybrids get left alone and everybody will be happy. All you have to do is to get Stefan to stop decapitating my friends.
Carol: Please Damon, just get your brother under control, or the Council will be forced to take action against him.
Damon: You've gotta be kidding me!
Klaus: Oh come on mate. Give peace a chance

In the woods

Elena and Matt were walking when Suddenly, someone knocks Matt against the crypt wall at super speed, and Matt falls to the ground unconscious. Stefan comes out and puts his hand over Elena's mouth and whips her away.

Stefan's Car

Stefan is driving his red car, and Elena is in the front seat.
Elena: What are you doing, Stefan?
Elena's phone rings. Stefan answers it.
Stefan: Hello Damon, she's a little busy right now.
Damon: Why the hell do you have Elena's phone?
Stefan: I'm making my next move. Let me ask you something...What will Klaus do if he can't make anymore hybrids?
Elena: yelling What?
Damon: Stefan, leave her out of this.
Stefan rolls down the window and throws her phone out of it, onto the road below.
Elena: Yelling. What are you doing? Stefan, let me out of this car. Do you hear me? Let me out of the car!
Stefan ignores her.

Founders' Hall

Damon and Klaus enter an empty room.
Klaus: What now? You just pulled me away from a fascinating conversation about landscaping the Town Square.
Damon: Stefan just grabbed Elena.
Klaus: Well, he's getting desperate.
Damon: He's gonna try and use her against you. Do what he says, get rid of your hybrids.
Klaus: Or what? Stefan would never dream of killing her.
Damon: You sure about that? He just tried to behead someone in the middle of a Council party. He's operating on crazy right now.
Klaus: Well, crazy or not, that kind of love never dies. He's bluffing.
Damon: Maybe he is, maybe he isn't but if you don't want to believe him, believe me. I know my brother better than anyone, and right now, I don't have a clue how far he is willing to take this. So if he says blink, I suggest you blink.

Stefan's Car
Elena: So, what's the plan, Stefan? What's the big move you're making?
Stefan: I took Klaus' family to make him suffer. I'm not gonna let him make himself a new one.
Elena: So, what are you gonna do, huh? Are you gonna lock me in some cave and keep me hostage?
Stefan: Maybe. Maybe, I'll just turn you into a vampire.
Elena: [Shocked and scared.] Stop the car, Stefan! Shouting. Stop the car, Stefan!
Stefan calls Klaus.
Klaus: Stefan, how nice to hear your voice.
Stefan: Tell your hybrids to get out of town, Klaus.
Klaus: Well that's not gonna happen until I get my coffins back.
Stefan: Okay, well then I'm gonna drive your blood source off Wickery Bridge.
Klaus: I don't believe you Stefan. You won't kill her.
Stefan bites his wrist and forces it into Elena's mouth and forces her to drink his blood.
Elena: sputtering No! No! No! What are you doing?
Klaus: concerned What's going on?
Stefan: I just fed her my blood. No more hybrids if she's a vampire.
Klaus: You won't do it.
Stefan: Really? Try me, because your coffins are next to go. Say goodbye to your family Klaus. And who knows maybe Clara will be my next target
Elena: screaming Stefan, slow down! Stefan! Stefan, stop it!
Klaus: Fine, I'll send them away. You win.
Elena: screaming Stefan! Stefan, stop!
Klaus: screaming Stop the car, Stefan!
Stefan slams on the brakes and skids to a stop. Klaus hears this and hangs up.

Hiii it's been so long not the best chapters here but I am trying I also cut Caroline birthday scenes because wouldn't tell Tyler to bite care because of Clara so yeah
Hope that you have a good day
Stay safe❤️😊

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