Chapter 21

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Damon and Stefan are walking to the Old Lockwood Cellar.
Stefan: Ah, you were right about Elijah. Undaggering him was a smart move.
Damon: Wow, actual acknowledgement of a job well done. You're going soft, Stefan.
Stefan: So, I guess I shouldn't thank you for saving me from Klaus?
Damon: Shut up, you don't get to thank me until I pay you back for all those times you've saved me.
Stefan: You could have left me there. Klaus would have killed me and you would have had Elena all to yourself.
Damon's phone vibrates. It's Elena. He cancels the call.
Damon: I didn't do it on your account.
Stefan: well I don't really care you know very well she is not the woman I love, Damon.
Damon: good because I love her.
Damon looks at him and walks away.

Old Lockwood Cellar Cave

Damon and Stefan enter the cavern.
Damon: Let's hope big witch and little witch got that coffin open.
Stefan: Something's gotta make this night worthwhile.
They see Bonnie on the ground, unconscious.
Stefan: Bonnie? She's still breathing.
Damon: Mama's still breathing, I can hear her.
Stefan: Coffin's open.
Damon: Well, it's not gonna do us any good. Whatever was in it is gone.

Klaus' Mansion

Rebekah: I like what you've done with the new place, Nik.
She throws a vase into a painting.
Klaus: I wanted it to be for all of us. A place we could all call home. A place we could all be a family. None of us would ever have to be alone again.
Elijah: Well you're right, none of us will be.
Finn: You're staying behind.
Kol: and maybe we can take the tasty thing that left Rebekah told me her name Carla Carol....
Rebekah: it's Clara and you won't touch her she is cute
Kol.: but she seems delicious
Rebekah:   anyways We're leaving you, Nik. Right after I kill that doppelgänger wench, then you will be alone. Always and forever.
Klaus: If you run, I will hunt all of you down.
Elijah: Then you'll become everything you hate. Our father.
Klaus Shouting.: I'm the hybrid! I can't be killed! I have nothing to fear from any of you.
Elijah: You will when we have that coffin.
They all hear a door open. They turn around. Esther walks in. Klaus gasps in shock.
Rebekah: Mother?
Esther walks towards Klaus. Klaus avoids looking at her.
Esther: Look at me! Do you know why I'm here?
Klaus has tears in his eyes.
Klaus: You're here to kill me.
Esther: Niklaus, you are my son and I am here to forgive you. I want us to be a family again.

Next day

Gilbert Residence

The next morning, Elena, Stefan, and Damon are in the kitchen.
Elena: It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin.
Stefan: As in the Original Witch?
Damon: What? How is she even alive? Thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago.
Elena: I don't know. I'm guessing she has a couple connections in the witching community. Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus.
Stefan: She was supposed to be the weapon to help us kill Klaus.
Elena: Well, not least not according to Elijah.
Stefan: That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds.
Damon: Anyone else feeling a little used right now?
Elena: Look, Elijah promised me that his family wouldn't hurt any of us.
The doorbell rings.
Elena: I believe him.
Elena goes and opens the door. No one is there, but on the doormat is an envelope with an ornately-handwritten "Elena Gilbert" on the front. She picks it up, closes the door, and turns around. Damon and Stefan are in the lobby near her.
Damon: What is it?
She opens the envelope and removes a card.
Elena: It's an invitation. "Please join the Mikaelson Family, this evening at seven o'clock. For dancing, cocktails and celebration."
Stefan: Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?
Elena: The Original Family.
Damon: It's not bad enough they're moving into town, now they want a housewarming gift?
She turns the card over and sees there's writing on the back.
Elena: Wait, there's a note on the back. "Elena, I think it's time that we finally meet, Esther."
Stefan phone rang
Stefan: it's Clara I will meet you guys later
Then he left
Elena: what is wrong with him

Clara pov:

Last night was one of the worst nights in my life Caroline and mom didn't stop crying till they went to sleep
So here I am waking up and remembering that stefan wanted to talk to me so I send him a text and he told me to meet him at the salvatore house

Salvatore house

Clara walked in and saw stefan sitting alone in the living room
Clara: hey
Stefan: hey.... Um how is caroline
Clara: she is OK a lot of crying but she will move on you said you wanted to tell me something
Stefan: so um actually me and elena broke up
Clara: good for you
Stefan: yea I thought that we can..... Look I can't do that anymore
Clara: do what exactly
Stefan: always see you in front of me and never be able to kiss you and love you like i want..... Clara please give me a chance I promise you I will not break your heart again
Clara: stefan
Stefan: no no you listen.... Look both of us know that we are meant for each other... All I am asking for is three dates and if you didn't feel interested then I will leave you and I will not talk to you again like... Like we are strangers
Clara: okay then but I hope that we don't really go to strangers
Clara  go closer to stefan
Clara: Because I  don't think I will be able to control myself
She kissed him
Stefan smiling: I missed you
Clara: I missed you too stefyy

Yayyyyyy two chapters in a day and look what happened between stefan and claraaa
Omg I really love them so much they are so cute
Have a nice day
Tell me your opinion on this one 😊❤️

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