Chapter One - Alena's P.O.V

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I walked down the hall, library pass in my hand and my backpack over my shoulders. The hallways were empty; most students were in their classes or at lunch this period (and those who weren't in lunch would have it next period. I have lunch next period). I was headed to the library from my study period so I could have some peace and quiet to do my work. After all, the delinquents in my study hall had no intention of shutting their mouths and staying in their seats any time soon. So, knowing that I actually wanted to be productive, Mrs. Fontaine let me go to the library.

I was expecting the library to be empty as well. Although it was huge and certainly beautiful for a school library, teachers never use it. But today, when I gave my pass to Mrs. Anderson my pass and sign in, I noticed someone else in the back by the windows, fiddling with his iPhone and listening to music, scribbling something into a notebook. He tried very hard to make himself seem small. It was clear, yet quite unnecessary in such an empty room, but anyone could see that he was trying to go unnoticed by the nonexistent people in the room.

I had never seen him before. At least, if I had, I don't recognize him like this. He looked to be my age, or maybe a year older. But I couldn't pin a name to him.

I grabbed the sign in clipboard off of Mrs. Anderson, our librarian's desk and signed my information in the next available space. "Alena Jenkins, Grade 12, April 15, Period 4." Once it was all filled in, I looked at the lines above to try and find a name to the Mystery Boy. And of course, right above my slot was the only other boy's name on the list for the day. "Tyler Joseph, Grade 12, April 15, Period 4." I looked back up at the boy, and after digging through some memories, I did remember being in elementary school with him. He was much more talkative then. In fact, I don't think I had talked to him since elementary school.

I put the clipboard back in its place and slid my pass to Mrs. Anderson, thanking her and giving her a smile as I walked off to my usual seat. When I did come to the library, I always sat in this group of cushioned benches (which are actually super comfortable) in the middle of all of the bookshelves. It was off to the side, very isolated and provided me with the space and comfort I needed to get my work done. But as comfortable and appealing as the place usually was, it just didn't feel the same today. I couldn't see Tyler from my seat, so I wasn't really sure what he was doing at this point, and I felt odd being here by myself when there was actually someone else in here for once.

So, I got all of my work done as quickly as possible, and moved to sit with Tyler.

I have no clue what I was thinking, but it felt right, going and sitting with him, trying to talk to him. So I did.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" I rested my hand on the top of the seat across from Tyler, trying to talk loud enough that he could hear me over his music, but not so loud that it would echo through the whole room.

He didn't hear me, but he noticed me, "huh?" He choked out as he pulled out one of his headphones. I tried to listen for what he was listening to, but I didn't recognize it.

"I just asked if it's okay if I sit here..." I laughed a little at myself; I had no clue what I was doing.

"Oh, um, why not, go ahead." Tyler's voice was really quiet, shaky, as if he wasn't used to speaking or he hadn't for a while. But I settled for his stuttered yes and got myself situated across from him. I pulled out my current book that I was reading, Paper Towns by John Green, and pretended to read and skim through the pages and such.

Now finally able to get a good look at Tyler, I noticed something; he got very, very attractive since the last time we spoke. His eyes were dark and his skin somewhere in the middle of pale and lightly tanned. His dark hair was effortlessly swept up into a small quiff, but it seemed like he had just run his fingers through it. No gel or help holding it in place. He wore a grey and blue flannel with black pants and navy blue vans. And he was still trying to make himself feel small.

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