Chapter Five - Alena's P.O.V

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I woke up on Tyler's chest, feeling it slowly rise and fall beneath me. He looked like an angel; all I wanted was to lye here with him forever. So I stayed and watched him sleep for another half hour, until he woke up. His eyes fluttering open and his mouth parting, he yawned and sat up slightly, forgetting that I was still on his chest and sending me to fall onto the mattress. I laughed and startled him a bit, but he soon fell into what was happening.

"Good morning sleepy head." I laughed, lifting myself up onto Mt. Pillows.  Tyler grunted and rubbed his eyes, still not totally awake. "Are you hungry? I can go make us breakfast?" With his pouted lip and his hands still covering his eyes, Tyler nodded and collapsed back against the bed. I rolled out from the other side and changed out of the clothes I had fallen asleep in, putting on Nike pros and a t shirt. When I went to my nightstand to grab my phone, there was also a small purple paper folded on top of my phone that read, "Alena ♥" on the top. I picked it up and just brought it downstairs with me, reading it as I hopped onto the counter top. 

"Good morning princess,

Sorry that you haven't seen us, but your father and I are going out for the day today, and after all, you were asleep when we got home. Hope you had a wonderful day at school yesterday and that you enjoy your Saturday to yourself! (Or with that boy that was in your bed... did you have sex with him? Be honest!)

Either way he's super cute.

 Love always,


I laughed and rolled my eyes at my mother's note, sliding it across the counter as I jumped off to start breakfast. I made pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast and cut up some fruit for the side. Once everything was complete and set up at the breakfast bar, I went upstairs to wake Tyler up again, this time diving onto the bed. 

"Now you have to get up, breakfast is ready." I kissed him on the cheek. 

"Alright I'm coming." Tyler sat up, stretched, and stood up out of bed. 

"If you want some more comfortable clothes, I have stuff here you can wear."

"Would you mind? These jeans weren't the most comfortable thing to sleep in last night." 

"I'll go grab you something from my parents' room, hold on one second." I turned down the hall and into my parents' room, reaching into my dad's drawer to find a pair of sweatpants and a plain grey t-shirt. I went back into my room and walked over to Tyler, handing him the clothes. You can change in here or in the bathroom, wherever you're comfortable." He turned in both directions looking for the bathroom door, and when I saw the side of his face I was reminded of his bruises. "Your cut looks much better, does the bruising still hurt?" I lifted my hand up to his face, lightly tracing the black and blue with my thumb. 

"The cut definitely feels better, but my face still feels a little numb. Thank you for cleaning it for me yesterday." He lightly smiled, looking down on me. 

"It's not a problem. Now go change before your breakfast gets cold!" I slightly shouted, nudging him towards the bathroom. He chuckled and walked in, only closing the door for the most part, but leaving a small crack open. I sat at the edge of my bed and watched him (believe me, not as creepy as it sounds) as he took off his shirt, lifting it over his head and tossing it on the ground beside him. His torso was lean and toned, and I could see a small stripe of cuts at the edges of his ribcage, but not nearly as many as on his arms. All I wanted to do was run in there and hold him. Tell him that he didn't need to do this to himself anymore. Tell him how beautiful he is. Kiss him. But I didn't, I just watched as he pulled the new shirt over his head, rolling up the sleeves of it to just below his elbow, then checking the fit of it in the mirror. I turned away before he could change his pants, of course, and went to look in the mirror instead. My hair which was curled yesterday was now falling in loose waves, messy but still somehow defined. The small amount of eye make-up I had on was now fading away, but was decent enough that I didn't need to wash it off right now. And not that this was important, but my ass looked bomb in these shorts. 

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