Chapter Thirty Five - Alena's P.O.V

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Friday morning; the final day of my final week at home.

Tyler's goal was to keep this whole week a surprise, so instead of telling me where we were going and what we were doing for every day, he just picked out my outfit for me every morning, according to what he had planned.

As you can imagine, this was a mess of a system, and usually resulted in me just switching the clothes for something that was similar, but actually matching.

On Monday, we went to Cedar Point. I was shocked when we first pulled in, I'd never pinned Tyler as someone that was into big thrill rides and rollercoasters, and I was right. He still went on everything with me, because, "It wouldn't have been as fun," and, "would defeat the purpose of us spending the day together." So he just closed his eyes and screamed and held on for his dear life on everything, meaning that I couldn't even enjoy the actual thrill of the ride, I could only cry laughing at Ty.

Tuesday was much more peaceful and relaxed, spending the day in Short North Arts District. We walked through too many art galleries that I could count, and despite my lack of interest in coffee, Tyler insisted that we went into every café and tried something. I am a firm believer that I gained my freshman fifteen just from the amount of muffins and pastries Tyler made me try.

Wednesday was my family day. Although Tyler and I were certainly looking forward to a week together, we were both sort of in agreement that my parents should see me before I get on the plane to Connecticut, and not just at night when I get home to go to sleep. So we had a lazy day around the house, then went out for dinner at Marcella's Ristorante, which has been one of my favorite restaurants since I was a little kid. It wasn't a big day, but I was certainly glad to spend it with my mom and dad.

And then came Thursday, our last eventful and fun filled day together. And Tyler brought me to the beach. But not just any beach, the one that he brought me to the night I went to his house after my parents' party. It wasn't as pretty or exciting as it was at night, so after lots of begging, Tyler agreed that we could stay until after the sun went down.

By that time, most of the families and annoying kids kicking up sand and screaming had left, and it was just the two of us. We watched the sunset and snacked on what was left of the cookies that my mom had made yesterday and packed for us, and spent the night talking and laughing. And once it was totally dark and all of the cookies were gone, Tyler decided to sneak up behind me when I wasn't paying attention and attack me with tickles. This lead to me crying laughing and screaming and kicking, and once I was the slightest bit out of his grasp, I screamed, grabbed as much as I could quickly reach and keep in my hands, and made a run for the car.

It wasn't long before Tyler came out to the parking lot with the rest of our stuff packed with him. He threw it all in the trunk, where I had put everything I grabbed, and got into the drivers seat. But he couldn't start the car and actually pull out until he turned to give me an, "Are you serious Alena? Was that really necessary?" look, and until I laughed.

Looking up at my ceiling now, I smiled remembering last night. I just stayed in bed trying to get my heart back into my chest. Today was the day. It was two in the morning. Tyler had woke up a few minutes ago and got in the shower. As for myself, I didn't sleep much. In fact, not at all from what I could remember.

It was just so strange. I mean, perhaps I'm just making a huge deal out of nothing. I'm sure that every other person leaving for college isn't freaking out this much, why should I?

I'm not even nervous. I'm not nervous about starting school and meeting new people. I don't care about that stuff. If anything, I'm excited for that stuff. All I am is stuck. I don't want to leave my life here in Ohio. I don't want to leave my family and my friends, and I sure as hell don't want to leave Tyler.

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