Chapter Thirty Three - Alena's P.O.V

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 "Oh my goodness!" My mom cried out as she ran up from the living room, throwing the magazine that she was reading across the couch. "You're home!" She yelled again, as if I didn't know that I was indeed standing in my house.

"Hey mom," I laughed, wrapping my arms around her while she squeezed every last breath out of me. It was a long ride. We left at two o'clock in the morning, and I drove up until around six, then passed out in the back of the car so the other three could rotate driving whilst I slept. It was afternoon now, and I was sore as ever from sleeping in that car. And all behind me was my bags that I had dropped to the floor when I walked in, the sound of them hitting the floor being what alerted my mom that I was home.

"How was it? Did you girls have fun? What did you guys do? We missed you so much," She didn't stop to breath until dad walked in and interrupted her.

"I missed you, don't get me wrong, but your mother was going a bit out of her mind. Thank goodness you're back." He gave me a hug before I sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. "You hungry?"

"Yes, very." I slept through the stop for breakfast this morning, so my stomach was about ready to start eating me. "Do we have mac&cheese?" He nodded and started cooking for me.

"So, how was it?" My mom asked again, leaning across the counter from me.

"It was awesome. I had so much fun." I smiled to her.

"What did you guys do? I want to hear everything." And so, I started from square one and told mom and dad day by day of the trip, leaving out the party and Tess spending the night with John. My parents probably wouldn't have cared too much about the party, but mom did say no alcohol no boys no parties. And although none of those were in our house, I still don't think she'd be too pleased with me being around them anywhere else while they weren't in the same state.

"I'm glad you had a good trip. You need to make some good memories with good friends before college. It's going to be a really tough transition and there will probably be a lot of time between this week and the next time you see all of those girls." My dad slid the bowl of mac and cheese over to me with a fork, then leaned over the counter next to mom.

"So Tyler mentioned that you two have a date tonight?" My mom raised her eyebrows and grinned at me. "What are you two doing?"

"I have no clue, but he said to dress nice." It was kind of crazy that after all of this time that Tyler and I had been together, we'd never really gone on a real first date. We always just hung out and went places when we were bored and whatnot, but never a formal date. In fact, I hadn't ever been on a formal date with anyone.

"Well have fun, I'm sure that you two will have a beautiful date." My mom smiled still. She adored Tyler; so much so that she continuously would talk to him on her own time, which is how he would have told her about our date tonight.

"Thank you." I took another huge bite of mac&cheese. It was so great to finally eat something. All I could use after this is a refreshing warm shower.

Mom and dad gravitated off and started a new conversation, leaving me to finish eating in peace. Once I was finally done, I rinsed off my dishes and put them in the dishwasher, then heaved all of my vacation luggage upstairs to my room. It was just as I had left it. The bed was made and everything was put in its place, and my cap and gown were resting against the top of my bed.

I dropped all of my stuff to the floor and walked over to my bed. I picked up my gown and ran my hand over the material, fingering the stoles that read, "President," and "National Honor Society," and my red student council cord. I grabbed my cap and walked into my closet. At the end of the tiny room there were two dress forms; one holding my prom dress and the other empty. So, I draped my graduation gown around the form and let the stoles and cord hang around the fake neck. The cap just sat on top of the stub of "neck" to top it all off.

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