Chapter 3

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My eyes flutter to bright blue walls decorated with pictures and posters. I roll onto my side and try to go back to sleep, but I can't. It's the stupid bright light that's coming from outside! I hate summer.

I groan as I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I look out my window and see the forest looming away from me. In the distance I can see tall mountain tops. Birds dance around in the sky, and on the grass. I love my yard, it's so open to wildlife; it's so open to the pack.

It's been two days since Naomi attacked Taby-Cat, and in two days a lot has happened. Naomi was punished from meetings at the council, forbidden to go on territory patrols, and was never to leave the house. Alpha told her it was up to her if she wants to help. She'll have to help, she'll be bored out of her mind if she doesn't. Taby-Cat healed almost completely, but Healer doesn't want him to leave the pack house yet. Then yesterday, Friday, I got the job at the Community Library. I'm so happy! The lady there told me I could start in early September. 

I stood up to stretch and trudged over to the bathroom.  After locking my door, I enter my bathroom and took a shower. I rinse my hair out to dry, and headed over to my closet to pick some cloth's. I grab a pair of cute jeans and a shirt to match. Then I just pulled some plain blue sneakers. I wasn't expecting to go anywhere "special."

I went back into the bathroom and washed my face. I then put on deodorant and a little perfume, then headed out.

When I opened the door, I almost died. I stepped out before stepping back in, because someone was standing there.

"Um, excuse me?" I ask the female figure.

She then turned and said, "Oh sorry!"

I recognized her face, her name was Bevvy. She was a good pack member, especially with territory patrols. Once she was on a patrol and they found a loner. She fought the loner with tooth and claw and scared it off.

She moved out of the way to reveal another person. Another pack member, Liam. He's better at scouting than attacking. He was one of the important scouters that tracked the rouges that were attacking us a year ago.

Liam nodded to me in respect, and I nodded back.

I closed the door and walked down the hallway. I did, though, stop by at the infirmary. Unfortunately, no one was in the white room of beds and cabinets. I went down the staircase and entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, August!" someone said.

It was my Mom, Faye. She was standing over the oven, mixing something in a skillet which smelled like eggs and bacon. My dad, Cade, was grabbing plates out of the high cabinet.

"Hey mom. What 'ya cookin'?" I ask.

She turned to show me and said sarcastically, "What do you think?"

I said sarcastically back, "Oh, I don't know! It looks like mushy stuff!"

She laughed, "Well, come get some mushy stuff before you starve!"

I walked into the kitchen when she took a plate to put the eggs and bacon on it. Dad grabbed the plate that mom set down, and I huffed.

"Wha? That was my plate!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled, "Not anymore!"

I sighed and took the second plate of food. I walked over to the kitchen counter seat instead of the dining table where dad was heading. I sat and took a bite of the eggs and then the bacon.

"How's the mushy stuff now?" Mom asked.

I smile, "It's good mushy stuff."

Mom nodded in approval. I ate and watched mom make multiple plates. Pack members came to get food and left. Mom glanced over her shoulder and she smiled.

"Good morning, Alpha," she said.

I turned around to see Alpha walking over to the kitchen. He nodded to mom and I, and I nodded back. He took a plate and sat at the dining table with the other pack members. When I finished, I put the plate in the sink and headed for the living room.

People sat on the couches, watching TV. By the look of it, they were watching the news. I walked over and took a place on one of the couches. On the opposite couch from me was a couple, who's names were Dillon and Katy. Katy used to live in a separate pack, but decided to move here. When Dillon first saw her, they immediately knew they were mates. I remember what he said when he saw her, "Mine". He kept saying that before they kissed for the first time, in front of everyone. The both of them have brown hair and light skin. They sat together, their hands clasped and talking.

Beside me sits Mason, a short guy with black hair. He's been shorter than the other men in the pack so far, he's even shorter than me. But he's super fast! The guy could beat a car if he wanted to. It makes since that he's fast, he doesn't have to carry much weight. Fortunately he's quite popular.

When I first sat on the couch, Mason noticed me.

"What up, August?" he asked, chilled.

I shrug, "Same as always. You?"

"Yeah I'm good. But I'm really stocked for this afternoon!" he said.

"What's going on?"

"It's a tracker race, Alpha announced it. It's for pack members who can track scents easily!"

"I bet I can't participate. Stupid wolf won't come yet," I mumble.

"Maybe next time," he says before getting up and heading for the door.

Other pack members headed out too, including Bevvy and Liam. They're probably heading out to go practice. I get up and head for the kitchen when I hear talking. I look to see Naomi standing in front of Alpha.

"Please, Alpha! Let me go!" Naomi begged.

"Naomi, you are punished from these activities. You can't go."

"Alpha, this could be a chance to show myself. To show to you that I'm better than I was before. What I did was wrong, and I hated that about myself," she argued.

"Alright, alright. Let's make a deal. If you participate and win only first place, you'll prove to me your loyal. But if you loose, you will not participate in any other activities, and it will make me determine if I want to low your rank. Agreed?"

Naomi looked at him in determination, it scared me. "Agreed."

I stand there to watch Alpha walk away. Naomi looks over to me, and I stare at her in disbelief.

"You're seriously going to risk your rank?" I asked.

"I need to do this. This could be my chance. You'll just have to believe me," she said before walking toward the front door.

I just hope she doesn't loose.


*Where ever the picture may be, it's the picture of Liam's wolf.*

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