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I stared at Amira that sauntered down the stairs with her head down. She greet Dad and granny and when they exchanged pleasantries with granny and Dad she looked at me and i can see the pain she is going through,she looked slimmed and glowing and she turn into a beautiful woman but I don't  miss the bag under her eyes,she couldn't sleep just as me.

Amira sat beside me and i refrained myself from hugging her or holding her hand

"Saif i heard what you did and i am so disappointed"Dad said looking at me and i looked at the tile feeling Amira gaze on me

"Dad i don't know what to do,she was in pain and i fricked out and said that"I explain

"Saif every woman went into that in her first stage plus what makes you said that?"Granny asked which made me scrub my nape

"Granny she is just 21 years old,she is  too young"I said and i can feel Amm anger,she hates it when i said that

"When you are having your pleasure don't it occurred to you that she is too young?"Granny shamelessly said and i pray the ground will open and swallow me up,Amira shift uncomfortable

"Granny please have some shame"I plea which ended me with a knock on the head by granny

"Owch! That hurt"I pout scrubbing it

"Amira"Dad called and the room fell silent again

"Yes Dad"She replied,Ya Rabbi that voice, i almost shade cause of happiness. I never bring it in mind that i will hear it so close,even though she called me some minutes ago

"Did you want to go back with your husband or you will like to stay here as your Mom said?"Dad asked and i swear i stop breathing waiting for her answer,May be she also don't care anymore, i have been a monster to her since when she was 5, and even after we married what did she want to do with me again

"As Mom said"She replied and i felt like i have been stabbed in the heart,I thought she love me but i was wrong.

"You know what Rabi want right?"Granny said
"After you give birth he will divorce you"Granny added

"No,no,no not that"Amira quickly said which made me release a breath i don't know i was holding,Mom,Dad and granny looked at her smiling while she looks down.

"Think she want to go back to her house Rabi"Granny said but Mom fold her arms and looked away
"I know you Rabi,you ain't that stubborn like Saif or his Dad,the boy apologize please forgive him"Granny added

"Rabia'tu this is not who you are please let the boy have his wife back please,Saif make the stupid mistake but know that your anger toward him is bad please do forgive him"Dad said

"Mom sorry on behalf of him"Amira mumbled and Mom stared at me waiting for my apology,which made me groaned,Mom can be stubborn sometimes and i know for sure she won't give me back my Amira till i apologize,I ducked my head and shut my eyes

"I am, so sorry Mom"I apologize not looking at her.
"I shouldn't have said that or even think of that  but please let me have Amira back"I plea not looking at anyone of them

"Apology accepted son and please don't repeat that"Mom said and i quickly nodded with a smile on my face

"Amira go get your cloth,you are leaving now"Dad said and i grinned from ear to ear looking at Amira that smile too blushing.

"Not too fast Alhaji"Mom said and my smile instantly fell,I looked at Mom sadly and she looked away.

"Why daughter i thought we are even now?"Granny said

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