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I woke groaning due to the noises,i can't even sleep peacefully this week because of the visitors we had, they just can't be quite,i rubbed my eyes frustedly and groaned covering my face with pillow when someone knocked

“Amm you are still on bed?”Mimi yelled,she is Amar younger sister
I mumbled incoherence curse and trow her the pillow i was covering my face with

“Shut up”

“Amm are you sick,today is the day your wedding day and you are still on bed”She said walking toward the bed i glared at her and folded my arms sitting

“I know and can you please stop yelling,i can hear you just fine”

“Oh! Shut up please,now go and bath Aunty and Ammi are waiting for you”

“I am not bathing now”

“Well as long as i don't care,i wont like you to go to Saif house like this”She said pointing at me which made my heart to summer sault,i open my mouth to replied when the door flied open,Aunty and Ammi walked in and they looked at me with disappointment

“Why are you still on bed Amira?”Aunty asked,i squirmed under her gaze

“My head was aching thanks to the noise”I lied standing
“But i will now”i added and run to the bathroom shutting the door,gosh Aunty can be little intimidating just like Saif,i ignored Mimi laughed and stripped out of my dress and stand under the shower

I spend about fourty minutes in the bathroom thinking of my life and calming my misbehaving heart it wont just stop beating fast,i step out of the bathroom and wear my dress applied some makeup and sit on bed admiring my henna but got interrupted by my ringing tone is Aunty,i grabbed the phone and swipe the green line and place it against my ear

“Hello Aunt”

“Forgotten it mom”Aunty said which made me smile

“Your Saif will slaughter me if he heard that”I said which made us both to chuckled

“Indeed and i wont like that to happen”She added after some seconds of silent,i smile and nodded
“Meet me in Dad parlour”

“Okay”I said and hung up recalling when Saif warned me not to ever called his mom,my mom i smile nodding sometimes he behaves so childish

“Hello”Jamal and Jamil said coming in
“Ho!ho!Masha Allah our bride look so beautiful”Jamil said,i pouted hating the fact of been called bride,can't they see i am unhappy with this marriage

“Shut up Jamil”Jamal warned

“Okay,okay”Jamil said raising his hand in surrender,they walked toward me and smile

“You look beautiful”Jamal mumbled,i blushed and whispered thank you

“Nah she not just look beautiful,she look magnificent and gorgeous”Jamil said i smile widely

“Thank you lil bro”

“Mom is waiting for you”Jamal said i stand and we all walked out but for some reason my heart started beating fast,i wanted to asked them if Saif is their as well but i just shut my mouth and walked to Dad palour but Jamal and Jamil turn and walked away

“Guys where are you going?”

“Our friends are out so bye”They said together waving at me,i attempted to open the door but it flew open by Aunty

“Don't tell me you have been here since?”Aunty said,i quickly nodded
“Then what stop you from entering?”

“Aunty is Saif inside?”I asked instead she wide her eyes“I am scared of him”i added she smile and grabbed my hand

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