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I walked to the meeting hall squeezing my face hating the fact that i left Amira alone

"Good morning everyone"I said sitting down and everyone sat down

"I'd like to welcome everyone here and since everyone is here,let's go straight to the point"I said looking at my employees which includes Jamal and Jamil

"I arrange this meeting because their is issues that arises which i am not so happy about"I said looking at Jamil he is my accountant

"Brother........."He began while i clear my throat

"I mean Sir......"

"Allow me to finish Mr Jamil"

"Yes sir"

"Their is a slight loss in our company we lost 2 million in just two months"I said
"And i kept quite for you to said it yourself but you did not,so what happened?"I asked looking at Jamil that gulp down his own saliva
"So Jamil mind explaining yourself to me?"

"I.......I bro...I mean Sir"Jamil stammered looking everywhere but me

"Umhmm! Jamil speak or cat got your tongue?"I asked while he looked at me pleadingly and i return it with angry face
"Speak"I said slamming my fist on the table standing

"He...he borrowed the money sir and told me he will return it before you know"Jamil said looking down


"James"He mumbled

"Why did you give him without my knowledge?"

"He told me he is in need of it and i should not tell you and that he will return it before anyone find out"He blerb

"James"I called turning and looking at my HR who gulp and looked down
"What is happening?"I asked Sa'ad throwing my hands in the air frustedly

"I have no idea this was happening sir"Sa'ad defended

"I don't care Jamil and James i want the company money ending of this month am i clear?"

"Yes sir"

"And Jamal and Jamil we need to talk privately"

"Yes bro....I mean Sir"They mumbled at the same time and we continue the meeting about building estate Jamal said all his thoughts about the building and some of the employees too and when we are done every one left except of Jamal and Jamil


"Brother by Allah he lure me into giving him and tell me not to tell anyone you know i can't do anything without your knowledge"

"I know Jamil and i am not happy that you gave him,this is not the first time this happen"

"Then why is he still here?"Jamal asked while i looked at him

"He have a family and this is his only source of income but don't worry unless he want me to take him to court he will return it,he knows better than to take the company money"

"Okay so heard Amira is here where is she?"Jamal asked

"Went to the hospital"I replied while they sat straight looking worried
"She is fine she went for anti natal"I said waving my hand

"Did you see the gold saving?"Jamil asked proudly

"Yeah i did and guess what you guys will start going to Saudia for that"

"I can't leave the company without an accountant"Jamil mumbled which brought a huge smile on my face he so much care for this company

"I guess Jamal will be the traveler"I said which ended me with a sequel of excitement from Jamal,he literally jump out his chair and leapt at me and we both fell down

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