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I woke in Saif arm as usual and it is the most amazing thing i have felt,I smile and silently turn around to get a better view of his handsome face

Saif slept peaceful and he looked damn handsome,I smile even more and stretch my hand to his face placing my index finger on his thick brow,I traced it and go down toward his perfect nose and then his lips,those lips that can do wonderful thing to me,I so much want to kiss him but i don't want to wake him up,I huffed and squirm trying to get out of his hold but he held me back nuzzling his nose on my neck which gave me goosebumps

"Stay"He plea in his sleepy tongue

"I will love too but i am hungry"I said trying my best to not let my stomach rumbled,Saif eyes open and he stared at me,I stared back but soon felt insecure of my morning face and i gulp looking away

"I wish i was your mirror, so that i could look at you every morning like this"He mumbled caressing my cheeks

"Ok,um,um i need to pee"I said instead Ya Rabbi i am hopeless what is I want to pee at least let me said something good not pee,I thought face palming myself while Saif just chuckled

"What is the time?"He asked

"I don't know"I replied while he smirk staring at my lips while my thought went to when he slept,I know i slept up and leave him working and when i woke to pray Sub'i he left,I peck Saif lips smiling

"Morning love now allow me or you will be late"I said sitting down

"We not me"He corrected smiling and i looked at him,so he mean it when he said we are going together,I bit my lips in anticipation before leaning toward his face and crash my lips with his and when he did not respond i parted

"I am sorry"I apologize looking embarrassed

"What did you think after our first kiss?"He asked instead while i stared at him,what bring this question again but anyway i muster all courage and answer

"It was scary but also felt lovely,it like a drug that i instantly got addicted too,even though i cried and shake i wanted you to kiss me even more but i am too shy and scared to ask"I whispered while his lip broke into beautiful smile

"I was scared too and I felt bad for making you cry"

"Well you took me by supr......"My words was cut off when Saif place his lips on mine kissing me softly and asking for entrance which i grant it without a second thought and after some minutes we parted to catch our breathing

"Morning baby doll"Saif said smiling

"Morning how is my husband?"

"Well as you can see he is super fine Alhamdulillah and how is my wife?"

"Fine but not fine fine but fine Alhamdulillah"I rambled and he chuckled,I peck his lips and hopped out of bed

"Bathing or eating?"

"Eating please"I plea while he nodded


I stared at Saif and mine hand when we stepped inside his building,Saif is in his black tuxedo ,all his employees stared at us but i felt like i am the only one been watch and that made me uncomfortable

"Don't be afraid they won't bite"Saif teases while i just nod too afraid to speak,I hate been the centre of attention
"Okay every one back to work"Saif said loudly which made each employee to stop their stairs and start working without glancing at us and when we enter the elevator i sigh in relief while Saif titter

"I will pretend i did not hear that"I mumbled not looking at him while he annoyingly lean to my ear and chuckled

"Well i bet now you hear"He said bitting my earlobe which made me gripped his hand tightly feeling butterflies in my stomach

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