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4 Years Later

    Baby Salis was no longer a sweet baby boy,Now he is stubborn and trouble maker and always hide it under that baby face of his,but still he is still my little baby boy,I love him alot not to mention his resembles with Saif is showing now,you did swear they are identical twins

"Salis"I shout his name frustedly,ever since he learnt how to walk and talk,he start pulling unthinkable stunts,he first trew away all my beauty products and cuts Saif tux saying he want to be a fashion designer.
      Today we came to greet Jamal and Jamil's wife,who will think Jamil will ended up marrying Mimi,it was a surprise to all of us but then Mimi told us that they never date with jamal they where just friend and Jamil was her crush,Jamal wife name is Hauwa,they live in the same house with two flat and each of them is pregnant.

We kept on searching for Salis who said 'Tag you are in'  and vanished,I wonder where he learnt that hide and seek

"Salis please come out"I plea getting worried,it been 30 minutes we still don't find him,even the gate Man and IB are helping but no one sees him

"Cool sis we will find him"Mimi said,I nod tearfully

"Wh.....wha.....what if something happen to him Mimi?"

"Nothing will happen to him sister inlaw"Hauwa says with her calm voice,I wipe my tears and looked down when i felt some one hugged it,is Salis,I look up and smile at the gateman that found him

"Where did you see him?"I question

"Near the gate"He answer,we thank him and when the gate Man left,I lower my height and put Salis on the ground and look at him with a stern face,while he pout

"Mummy the man ruined our game,but don't worry i will hide again "He said the last word smiling,he stand and i gently tug his little arm which cause him to look at me

"Look Salis is not anywhere or any place you will play tag,at home we can but not anywhere,you,you made me think something bad happen to you"I said with worry,Salis pout tearfully giving me his puppy eyes something he always does to get himself out of trouble

"I am sorry Mummy,I just wanted to play"He plead,I smile at him no matter how i keep on trying not too

"It okay baby,but you know i have to tell daddy right?"I question which made his eyes widen in fear and nod negatively

"Please Mummy don't tell daddy"He plea and i frown at his cuteness because he has to see just how serious i am
"Please Mummy"He pleaded pouting,I huffed and pick him up placing him on my hip

"Mim,Hauwa i have to go"I said turning around to see them

"See you soon"They said in sync

"Bye Aunty Mimi,bye Aunty Hauwa"Salis wave at them

"Bye Salis"They waved back smiling,I walked toward my car and hop in

"Can we"IB asked starting the engine

"I want to drive too,Uncle IB please"Salis said while IB chuckled and zoom out telling him till next time

****         ****       ****

I heard the front door open before hearing "Baby doll i am home"I stood up in flash and run toward saif hugging him,Saif twirl me and set me down kissing my lips gently

"Welcome sweet heart,how was your day?"I question

"Fine, yours?"He asked,I huffed nodding and we all walked toward the sofa and sit

"Don't remind me,I should have listened to you when you told me to leave him with Khadija"I said while Saif chuckled

"Where is he now?"He asked,I leaned into his arms placing my head on his shoulder

"In the kitchen with Khadija,he said he want to learn how to cook"I said

"Are you really going to allow him to cook at this age?"He asked with worry
"Infact forget that,are you really going to let Salis anywhere near pots?"He added concern dripping in his voice,I rolled my eyes and chuckled

"Daddy relax,I put him in his little secure baby chair,he will just be watching Khadija and......."I trailed with wide eyes and jaw dropped when i saw Salis stumbled his way toward us with a large grin and a glass of water in his hand

"Daddy"He said excitedly and quicken his step,I sat up straight looking at him with question running in my head about how he get out.

Salis handed the glass cup to Saif smiling and putting his hand behind his back in innocent manner

"Welcome daddy,how is work?"
He asked

"Fine Alhamdulillah and how are you?"

"I am fine,thought you would want a glass of water when you got home,so here you go"He says in the sweetest little voice,I chuckled and nodded

"And me?"I asked he looked at me and shrugged

"I don't know you will like to drink,I will asked grand ma Khadija to bring you some"That all he said before kissing Saif cheeks  saying 'Love you daddy' and run back to kitchen,we both laughed

"He is trying to save himself from getting punish, isn't he"Saif asked and i nodded

"Yes but i am thinking we should take away his toys"I suggested with a smirk while Saif shook his head

"No,the last time we did that,he still trouble you,why not refuse to give him chacolate and yoghurt for a week?"

"But you will be the one to tell him"I said chuckling while he groaned

"Why do i always have to tell him bad news?"He asked with a pout and i smile at him

"Because you're the tough parent,his puppy eyes always get me and deceive me not to punish him"I said leaning to his chest
"Plus i am pretty sure he took your naughty genes"I teases

"Yeah! But he is our naughty boy"He said and I could practically sence his smile,I nodded and smile too


"I think is time to have another baby"

"Yeah,may be he will learn how to behave"I said looking at him and Saif lean in and kiss me passionately

"I love you baby doll"He said between the kisses,I moan and continue kissing him but stopped when he did not respond

"What?"I pouted asking

"I don't think we should continue here unless we want our innocent baby to spoil and know how to make baby in small age and you did not said you love me back"He said i smile and kiss his lips lightly

"I love you alot,I love you so much sweet heart"I said and that all he Need to hear before connecting our lips picking me up and walked to upstairs.

                    THE END


  And this is it the story of Saiffuddeen and Amira, thank you all for reading my novel,commenting and voting

I hope you enjoy it🥰🥰💓💓

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