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I open my eyes and close it feeling weak and tired please do remind me never to gave birth again,it is tiring and painfull though when i saw the baby for the first time it all worth the pain

"Nu....rse" I whispered feeling my throat dry and it hurt when i speak and i remember gripping Saif hand tightly,I hope i did not hurt him,I mustered all courage to called but my lid is already in the brick of closing so i gave in to the darkness

I woke again and saw me this time in a different room,I tried to sit but i felt all sour and my face etch so i tried running my palm against my face but their is IV and it poke me when i raise my hand,I turn to my left and saw Aunty,Jamal, Jamil, Ammi Mimi sitting and gushing at the sleeping baby,my baby the thought of it make me smile weakly,but where is Saif,I turn to my right and their he was sitting alone with palm against his cheeks thinking and just then Uncle and Amar walked in

"Is she awake?"Amar asked,after the exchanging of pleasantries
Saif raise his head and our eyes met,we stared at each other each don't want to be the one to break the  stare but i have too cause i felt drowsy and when  everyone notice i am awake,the Twins and Mimi walked to me asking how i was,I just nodded and close my eyes again and before i know it i dozed up



Amira have been sleeping for the past 15 hours even though she open her eyes once and dozed up again

It night time now and every one left even though Mom insisted on staying Ammi told her to go she will be with us,I sat myself down on one of the plastic chair closer to Amira hospital bed and laid my head close to her arm praying she wakes soon,I glance at Ammi that is soundlessly asleep on the sofa when i felt Amira palm on my hair caressing it gently

"Saif"She whispered and i refrained myself from jumping and yelling instead i quickly sat straight and cupped her face

"Amira my baby doll you are awake?"I asked happily while she nodded smiling

"Yes,water"She whispered and i quickly pour water in the glass cup and sat her up giving her,she gulp it and ask for more then looked at my bandage wrist and regret flash in her eyes

"I am sorry"She mumbled sincerely while i lean in and hugged her kissing her shoulder

"I am glad you are alright,I was so scared thinking i lost you"I said refraining my self from sobbing but never the less i did,I cried silently burying my face in the crook of her neck,thinking about how in pain she was and been scared she won't wake even though Amar told me she just need some rest

"It okay,Saif i am fine Alhamdulillah your baby doll is just lazy"Amira said holding me tightly and we stayed that way for some minutes before i released her and cupped her face

"You are never giving birth again"I said while she smile warmly

"It all worth the pain sweet heart,don't you see how look alike you guys are and that is the sign of our love honey"Amira mumbled looking at my lips with longing before her eyes looked at mine, mentally asking for my permission and i nodded leaning in,she lean in too and captured my lips and this time i give her full controlled,we parted to catch a breath placing my forehead on hers and we glanced at sleeping Ammi before looking at each other giggling

"Are you hungry?"I asked and she closed her eyes bitting her lips nodding,I let go of her and serve her Yam porridge and give her
"Is something wrong?"

"Their was needle poking at my skin the other time,what is it for?"

"Oh!That wasn't needle it was drip,you lost so much blood so .."

"It etching"She pouted scrubbing her hand

"It will stop is just the blood reaction,now eat"I said feeding her with my hand and after she ate quite amount including hot milk she shook her head saying she is full

"Baby doll you haven't ask of the baby"

"I know he is fine but the father means alot to me so he will pass"She said which made me smile and embrace her

"I love you so much baby doll you mean the world to me and I love our little bean too"

"Ugh!I am jealous"She said glaring at me with a pout

"Oh! Shut up please"I said which made her chuckled and seeing her like that all smiling and chuckling is all i will ask for
"Alhamdulillah"I mumbled staring at my happiness

"Me too"She replied while i looked at her with confuse, one eye brow raise

"You too what?"I asked and she smile shyly before covering her face with her palm

"Hey,hey what is wrong tell me i won't make fun of you okay"I mumbled to her thinking whether i said something that make her shy

"I love you too"Was her muflled response and that made me chuckled lightly and hugged her

"You are not serious"I said rubbing her back but the holler of our baby make us released each other

"The baby is awake"Ammi voice startled us and Amira jump in fright

"Yes Ammi"I responded and walked toward the baby cot and carried him to Amira who looked so,so happy that she is littrary bouncing eager to collect him from my hand.



Breastfeeding sucks it pain alot and weird,Saif place his hand on my b***bs rubbing it and that kind of work and when the baby is filled i stared at him,he is carbon copy of Saif but the shape of his ears are mine,I tittered and looked at Saif


"He is a mini you"I mumbled pouting and Ammi that is siting chuckled

"Is that why you are jealous?"

"Umm!"I said playing with my baby toe nuzzling my nose against his baby one still smiling

"Well it is your fault"Saif whispered and wink at me while i furrow my brow

"My fault?"


"How is that my fault?"

"Not now later,Ammi might hear me"He whispered while i nodded and stared at mini Saif

"But he is so damn handsome that i am falling all inlove with him"I said kissing his forehead and lips my baby

"Owch!!"Saif mumbled and i looked at him and sees him with hand against his chest looking hurt

"What happen?"

"It hurt so much"

"Oh! Come on"I said pinching his arm

"Ugh!I did not call you Amm did i?"

"What ever now what will we call him?"I asked smiling looking at glaring Saif

"None of your business"He replied yawning looking sleepy

"How is it not my business?"

"Cause it is not end of discussion"

"Rude"I said pouting and looked at Mini Saif that is soundlessly asleep
"He is sleeping let me tuck him to bed"
I stand with my wobble leg,I felt so sour and tired,Saif stood up and hold me against him before my leg gave up and i silently thank him for that

"I am fine"I lie,Saif just nod and make me sit,he carry the baby and take it to the baby cot,I looked at Ammi that is soundlessly asleep and i laid back looking at the ceiling with a frowned and turn to Saif that walked to me

"Come sleep with me"I said,he smirk and lie down next to me wrapping his arm protectively around my waist and dip his head in the crook of my neck sniffing,I felt protected and at ease smiling and I interwin my finger with his .

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