the party

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So after the wedding we went to the venue. So after we had our first dance we surprised each other so Ruan Josh went first and he sang a love song and he danced with his friends so after him it was my turn so I said"people this is for my loving husband." So I sang that part song everyone was shocked because they didn't know I could sing so I also danced and then me and my father did have a father and daughter dance so I said to my father "dad I'm 9 months pregnant." So my father said "I can't believe it." So when he and his mother danced so I wanted to say a little message to my mom and I whispered into her ear "mom I'm 9 months pregnant." She was shocked. But nobody knew that so after we danced and everything we went to the airport our flight was delayed because the flight attendants were late and  we went on the plane to maimi and on the flight we didn't speak till we landed  in Miami so after that we went to our hotel room.

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