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COFFEE QUEEN - Good morning.

Tae rolled around in his bed, a smile so big he was sure it was visible from space and he hoped that Jungkook felt the same way. He had a shift at O'Clock and he knew he'd be floating around all day. Last night was more than he'd ever imagined. Jungkook insisted on walking him home but they compromised and they parted ways at the bridge. The kiss goodbye was as magical as the evening and Tae felt happiness on a level he hadn't experienced before. Every time he feels positive there's that nagging voice that prods at his subconscious 'if only you'd been brave enough years ago'... but he dismisses it because another voice reminds him that he can't change that and his current situation is to avoid further regrets.

"Good morning, Appa!" He chimes after getting out of bed and ready for work.

Mr Kim smiles and eyes his son suspiciously, "Good morning. I'm going to hazard a guess that this cheeriness isn't because you have decided you love boxing."

Tae laughs, "Definitely not. I won't be boxing again. I didn't like being tricked."

"Who tricked you? No one made you get in that ring."

"The Wolf, he tricked me and I got punched."

"Were you hurt? Why didn't you call me?"

"Kookie came to my rescue..." He says dreamily, "...Ho-Lee said it was like a Marvel movie."

"So Jungkook was impressed then?"

"Erm... I don't think he was impressed but he got what I was doing. He was more impressed that I kissed him in the ring."

"Wow! You kissed him in front of everyone?"

"I did! It was a bit of a disaster like the whole thing really because I had a stupid gum shield in and my head felt like it was in a vice with that helmet thing on but I did it."

"That was a brave thing to do, Tae. I'm so proud of you for facing up to everything. You haven't shied away from it and you've taken some real risks by trying to win Jungkook back."

"I love him, Appa... I've always loved him but I couldn't give myself to him without learning to love myself first."

"There's a lot to love."

"Thank you... I learnt from the best."

"I heard you come in last night... I'm presuming your evening went well if this morning is anything to go by."

The blush that seeps into Tae's face is confirmation of whatever Mr Kim was thinking but Tae smiles wildly once more, "It went better than 'well'. Nothing I imagined did it justice, Appa... I just hope Kookie feels the same."

"I'm sure he does."

"I haven't heard from him this morning."

"Taehyung, it is 6am on a Sunday. I doubt you would be out of bed if you didn't have to work."

"It's 6.11am... you're right but..."

Mr Kim walks over to where his son is standing by the kettle and places a hand on his shoulder, "But you are worried because you both showed vulnerability last night and you think he might regret it?"

"I know he said that he will take time to trust me again but last night... he trusted me, Appa... trusted me with himself and what if this morning he wishes he hadn't?"

"That's something you have no control over. You have to concentrate on how you feel. I would say that if he trusted you with himself then it wasn't an impulsive decision, therefore he knew what he was doing. If he regrets it, that's for him to deal with."

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