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"Ha! You are still you!" Jungkook says with a cheer.

"I don't know what you mean." Tae says, crossing his arms.

"That pout. You're still my baby bear."

"Kookie, seriously? I thought it was cringe when I was nineteen and it's even more cringy now."

Jungkook laughs, "Ready?"

"I've been ready for ages. You're the one taking his time."

"Sorry that I needed a wash because I woke up with crusty, dried saliva on my chest."

"You did not. You have always been a dramatic bunny."

"You know that you dribble in your sleep. The wet patches on my t-shirt were proof."

"I don't remember."

"Sure... I can drive today?"

Tae steps forward and reaches for Jungkook's hand. "We are catching a bus and the train. I want to take public transport."

"I appreciate what you're doing but I think you've proven yourself. The boxing fundraiser was quite a show."

"What sort of person would it make me if I stopped proving myself? I don't want to stop. Maybe, being a secret is something I never want to go back to either and every time I am seen with you in public, it's confirmation to myself, too."

Jungkook brings Tae's hand up to his mouth and kisses his knuckles, "Let's go then."

They walk through the building hand in hand, out onto the street and to the bus stop. It's a pleasant journey and there was a warm and fuzzy feeling as each time they sat down together on the bus or train, Tae linked his arm with Jungkook's. He'd been so worried about inviting Tae to stay the night, worries that were completely unfounded. He'd been concerned that it was too soon, that they would run out of conversation and silences would be awkward. He worried that it would bring back negative feelings and that would overshadow what he thought they were trying to build. He was concerned that he would wake with regret and realise that his relationship with Tae was a thing of the past and should be left there... but instead, the evening was perfect, even when a difficult topic arose, they talked it through with honesty and compassion. The sex blew his mind again, the shower afterwards was every bit the sensual moment he'd hoped it would be and he'd fallen asleep with Tae laying on his chest, as he always used to do.

It was as if a switch had been flicked when they woke this morning, familiarity rearing its head and creating a new level of comfort. They'd jokingly complained about each other's morning breath and Jungkook complained about the dried drool on his chest. Tae made them breakfast while the boxing trainer washed up and got dressed and they kissed a lot. Jungkook couldn't ignore the overwhelming feeling that Tae was where he was always meant to be but he attempted to ground himself with the reminder that it wasn't that long ago that he'd been catfished. He just wanted to make sure this was the right thing, that they were doing the right thing, he didn't want either of them to get hurt again.

Tae was visibly melting and had huge heart eyes, possibly mistaken for excitement as they entered Everland but his excitement was because of the look on Jungkook's face. The boxing trainer was practically bouncing on his toes, eagerly looking at the theme park map on the Everland app on his phone and Tae wanted to bottle this feeling.

"Look at the Rolling X-Train! I'd forgotten about that! I think it was 'Let's Twist' that made my brother sick though." Jungkook giggles.

Tae had studied all the rides, he knew what those were and he was sure he could close his eyes on the fast ones because that's what other people did and he could scream and no one would bat an eyelid. The fast ones were manageable because they were fast or at least that's what he told himself.

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