Waiting at the Bridge

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"So, it's not an ultimatum?" Mr Kim asks.

"No... I love him, why would I do that and risk losing him?"

"Are you sure he doesn't see it as an ultimatum?"

"Yes, I'm sure. We had a really lovely day yesterday, Appa. On the train on the way back he told me again that he would message me if he isn't going to be there this morning and he said he would join me for my break. So, we have a date planned no matter what happens."

"Won't that be awkward?"

"Why does it feel like you aren't happy for me?"

"I am happy for you. If you two can work this out it will be the greatest outcome after watching you try to destroy your life over the years. When you came back I told you that it's never too late and that you needed closure one way or another so I am one hundred percent on your side. I could see that you had to confront your past with Jungkook before you admitted it."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. That is the story of my life. Everyone could see things before I was willing to admit it. Talking of which, I had the strangest message on Instagram from Nam-Chin. He still sees Hak-Kun and was told about me kissing Jungkook at the fundraiser. He said he'd always thought I was gay and would I like to meet up for a coffee as he didn't know I was back."

"Did you reply?"

"Yeah. I said if he has the same opinion as Hak-Kun then I'm not interested in meeting up."

"Good for you."

"He said that he might be friends with him but he didn't share his views and he'd like to catch up with me."

"One of the group has matured with age then? That's good."

"I don't want to go."

"For coffee? Then don't."

"No... the bridge... I can't do it." Tae sits down at the table in the kitchen.

"What? Have we switched conversation now?"

"I just... what if he doesn't come?"

Mr Kim feels confusion take over as he was sure this was all sorted. "Then he will send you a message and meet you later for your break... isn't that what you said?"

"But you're right, what if it makes it awkward? I want this so badly. I've never wanted a boyfriend so much in my life. My head was too messed up to understand what that even meant the first time around and all my boyfriends since then have just been 'boyfriends' and that's just what you do when you're in a relationship, that's what you are but this... I so badly want this."

"If Jungkook sends you that message, it doesn't mean he doesn't want it, it means he needs a little more time, that's all. This isn't like before when you lost each other. When you walked away last time, you were walking away from your relationship but that's not like that this time. It's okay to be ready at different times. He's had a lot to take in, in a short amount of time. You've been working up to this seriously for six months, putting things in place and making your move but he's playing catch up. You've done the right thing by laying your cards on the table and giving him the space to think. This isn't the end."

"What if he decides that he doesn't want to continue anymore? Maybe I've done the wrong thing by telling him what I want and how I feel because he might give everything some serious thought and decide he won't even want me as a boyfriend so to cut ties before we go any further."

"That's always been the case from the moment he knew it was you behind those messages. He could've ended this at any time or even not started it. You've both had time and space to think in between meeting each other so it could've happened any time."

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