Chapter 30

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A/N: Throughout Camila's pregnancy (specifically the next couple of chapters) there are going to be jumps in the time period the story's taking place in so just pay attention to the dates at the beginning to avoid any confusion. Hopefully I don't confuse myself lol.


October 31st

"IT'S HALLOWEEN!" Laney shouted as she barreled into Lauren and Camila's room with Avery trailing behind her.

"Shh," Lauren said softly, bringing her finger to her lips when she met her daughter's excited eyes.

Camila was now about 14 weeks pregnant, and her morning sickness was only getting progressively worse the further along she got. She was currently curled into a ball on her side of the bed, clutching her stomach as Lauren gently rubbed her back.

"That baby is making you sick again, Mommy?" Avery asked as she crawled onto the bed and sat by Camila's side.

"I just have another tummy ache," Camila nodded, forcing a small smile.

Camila's morning sickness was a daily occurrence and the girls had grown somewhat accustomed to it.

"Why don't we let Camila rest for a minute and get you two dressed before we go down stairs and eat breakfast," Lauren suggested, addressing the two girls seated on the foot of their bed.

"No," Laney protested. "I can do it," she added as she hopped to the ground. "Come on, Avery," she directed before disappearing out into the hallway.

Avery moved over to leave a sweet kiss on the tip of Camila's nose before following Laney out of the room.

"Come on," Lauren said as she gently helped Camila up and off of their bed. "Let's take a quick shower, you'll feel better after."

Camila smiled as she accepted Lauren's hand, allowing herself to be led into their bathroom. The older girl turned on the shower, the hot water filling the bathroom with a thin layer of steam within minutes.

Camila had seen Lauren naked plenty of times, but that didn't stop her breath from hitching in her chest as she undressed in front of her. It only added to the sexual frustration she'd been feeling since she and Lauren had been interrupted the night before she left for LA.

That had been about a month ago and somehow they hadn't found the time or opportunity to finally be intimate, or at least they hadn't taken advantage of it. Camila thought there had been plenty of opportunities, but Lauren always stopped things before they got anywhere past kissing and heavy petting.

Now standing naked in front of the mirror she couldn't help but felt a little insecure, as her increasing weight gain was becoming more and more noticeable. She'd be lying if she said the thought that Lauren might just not be attracted to her anymore hadn't crossed her mind.

"Are you coming?" Lauren asked, smiling in Camila's direction as she stepped into the shower.

Camila nodded before walking across the bathroom and joining Lauren underneath the flow of hot water. They took turns wetting their hair and after they both washed it, Camila rinsed her head first and Lauren followed.

They did the same while they washed and rinsed their bodies, and Camila couldn't help but wrap her arms around Lauren's waist as the woman had her back to her while standing beneath the shower head. With her front pressed to Lauren's back, she brought her lips to her shoulder.

Lauren continued rinsing the remaining soap off of her body while Camila left soft kisses across her back and shoulders before turning around, keeping their bodies pressed together as her hands found the sides of Camila's face.

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