Introduction to the Patio Family

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HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD: Peter Patio Sr. (deceased)

WIFE: Margaux Hayes-Patio (recently deceased)

CHILDREN: David Patio (eldest), Peter Patio Jr. (2nd), Andrew Patio (3rd), Sonny Patio Sr. (4th), Anna Patio-Brodie (5th), and Joseph Patio (youngest)

CHILDREN'S SPOUSES: Anne Patio (David), Mary Patio (Peter Jr.), Jo Patio (Andrew), Grace Patio (Sonny), Eugene Brodie Sr. (Anna), and Rita Patio (Joseph)


David Patio's Children: Atty. Deborah Patio (eldest), Dr. Eve Patio (2nd), and Jet Patio (youngest)

Peter Patio Jr.'s Children: Amy Patio-Armstrong (eldest) and Peter Patio III, CPA (youngest)

Andrew Patio's Sons: John Patio (eldest), Engr. Owen Patio (2nd), and Lance Patio (youngest)

Sonny Patio Sr.'s Son: Sonny Patio Jr.

Anna Patio-Brodie's Children: Diana Brodie (eldest) and Eugene Brodie Jr.

Joseph Patio's Daughter: Dr. Ivy Patio


Atty. Deborah Patio is engaged to CEO Ben Everglade

Amy Patio-Armstrong is married to Anthony Armstrong

John Patio is married to Julie Patio whilst Engr. Owen Patio is engaged to Engr. Angel Samson; and

Diana Patio is engaged to James Ramsay

GREAT-GRANCHILDREN: Debby Armstrong (Anthony and Amy) and Deb Patio (John and Julie)

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