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The group was currently heading towards the ocean via Ame's car. The start of this journey was about as hard as the last time they used a car, which was the day they visited the amusement park.

It started with a fire at the (Y/N) residence. Then, due to a mistake, (Y/N) fell off the stairs and had to be healed. After which they realized that the stuff they wanted to bring to the beach was left in the apartment.

They looked up at the seventh floor and sighed before going back up then down the stairs. Why the stairs? The elevator is still not working. Must have been made by some McDonald's worker.

On the road, the gang of seven was currently doing idle conversations between each other.

The setup was as followed: Ame was driving, naturally. Gura was in the front seat and looked out of the window longingly.

In the back, however, was the real war zone. (Y/N) was sitting in middle, to his left: Calliope Mori. To his right: Takanashi Kiara.

Speaking of Kiara, she resurrected not long after they woke up the one day. She was still baby then but grew up in a matter of five hours.

Returning to the car, Ina was sleeping in the trunk. But that leaves a question: where is Hakos Baelz?

One would be able to guess that she was sitting right on top of (Y/N)'s lap. This made his life very hard, being surounded by the boing boing from every direction and rather soft bottom sitting in his lap. He kept grunting.

"What are you grunting about? It's annoying." Calli scolded him from his left.

"We are going to the ocean..." He whined.

"We know you hate going out but do us a favor and shut up about it, k?" Ame chimed in from the driver seat.

"It's not about that..." He kept up the attitude.

"Then what's the problem?" Kiara asked while looking at Calli.

"It's just that every slice of life manga has a beach episode and it goes so cliché every time." He ranted not knowing that his words will bite him later. Sadly nothing can be done about the karma he just placed upon himself.

"Could you not make it sound like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place?"

"Bro...I'm stuck between some booty and being rock hard..."

"EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW" All the girls immidiately responded in unison before breaking into a laugh while Bae sat confused.

"Hey Calli, what he mean?"

"I'll tell you later."


In the meantime Ina woke up and sat up in the trunk. She was still sleepy for some reason despite sleeping 14 hours and then some in the car. They even had to carry her down because she was alseep.

After an hour, they could see the beach to their right. Their eyes glued to it, especially Gura's who got hit with a wave of nostalgia.

Ame managed to park the car but it took them some time. There was this one guy that sped up and took their place. Ame got so mad her accent leaked out then she went full british toxic gamer on the guy.

υƚƚҽɾ ƈԋασʂ (A Hakos Baelz x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now