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The hug was long and heartfelt. They didn't care that the others were pulling themselves together, they didn't care about what they thought, how they felt. Relieved or annoyed. Upset, suprised, furious? They didn't care. The two were happy to see each other again.

(Y/N) felt Bae's tail wrap around his leg and her head nuzzle as close to his face as possible while her hands tried to find the best spot on his back. On the other hand, he was unmoving and found the perfect position as he hugged her back. She smelled like roses if they were a bit burnt.

"You came..."

"I have." 'And I will.' "Did you think that I wouldn't after you vanihsed?"

He felt her tail squeeze his leg. "Thank you."

"For what? You should've known I cannot simply sit still when you are in danger."

"So you put yourself in more danger to get to me?"


"Regardless...I'm glad you came."

'Don't. Because I may actually.' "Yes." (Y/N) placed his mouth to her shoulder and fought back an urge to bite right there and then. "I love you."

"I love you too." She tightened the hug around him before he felt her snicker in his shoulder. "Your staff is poking my stomach."

He huffed. "Well, you are naked."

"Right. Right." She said before her clothes spawned back onto her and she let go of him, the hug on, the tail kept tied around his leg. "We aren't done yet."

"No. We aren't." Just as he said, Gawr appeared in front of them and blocked a spinning ring that Sana threw and hit it away after a bit of straining before she slammed the trident into the ground they somehow landed on. As the trident connected, a bunch of bubbles and water spewed out of it and formed into tridents, all aimed at the council.

(Y/N) grabbed Gawrs shoulder. She did not remove the tridents. (Y/N) stepped in front of her, looking up at Omega Alpha, without her armor as it dissipated and healed her, as she was glaring at (Y/N) and Bae.


Their standoff was very clear to everyone. There was a powerful suspence holding the air tightly and making it harder to breathe. Noone spoke and noone moved. Waiting for the moemnt either one decides to speak.

The council never imagined that a human could, or would for that matter, stand up to Omega, let alone go to such lenghts as this one had. Coming out into space, getting help from someone powerful, bringing back the berserk. Incredible, truly incredible.

(Y/N) wasn't moving, simply watching Omega as the other was clearly trying to use her authority to make him feel less then he is. Which wasn't working, much to Omega's suprise. Because he knew that Bae was with him. And he still felt her tail on his leg, he was calmed in front of the angry goddess before him.

Gawr, Bae and Roboco all had their weapons out. While Roboco wouldn't be much help to the fight, Bae and Gawr could pose a threat to the council still. But there was a stalemate. Even though they pulled out their weapons, so did the council. And this was what caused the stalemate. Then, (Y/N) broke the silent tension.

"I!" His voice didn't travel at all in space and he raised an eyebrow along with the council. He glanced back at Bae and got a thumbs up from her. "Can you hear me now?"

The council looked at each other and floated down next to Omega before each of them had gave him a nod, with zero thought of either of them dropping their weapons.

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