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It was a normal day in Hollyberry kingdom, markets employees stealing from eachother, plants trying to eat the cookies, bro even cookies attacking one another. Everything was normal for Hollyberry kingdom....
er...Except for Hollyberry Cookie.. It was her birthday after all! So she invited everyone she knew, including Pitaya Dragon cookie and Y/N. No one really knew Y/N well except Hollyberry. But even she didn't knew one little thing...

Y/N was a dragon.

Pitaya Dragon cookie POV

"Cmoon bud! It'll be fun, I promise! And I know one cookie that might catch your lizard eye!" Of courssse ssshe's calling me a 'lizard'..Ugh i HATE that nickname! But I bet ssshe'll won't sstop calling me that.. "I don't care about cookiess, Hollyberry!" I hisssed back, thatss sstrange though, sshe knowss that I don't care about usselesss cookiess. Sso why would sshe remind me of that one particular cookie? Maybe sshe'ss jusst trying to convince me to go to that damn party.. "Pleaseee?? Just once! And I'm sure you won't regret coming!" I ssighed and rolled my eyess "fine, I'll come! But if I'll jussst wasste my time there I'll burn the darn party down!" I glared at her, sshe sssmirked while hugging me tightly. „I knew I would change your mind! Trust me, you won't regret coming!" I sstrugled asss I tried to sstop the hug, it's alwayss Hollyberry that givess the most tight hugss ever... I ssstarted too tap her foot with my tail for her to sstop (small Pitaya and dominant Hollyberry🙏🙏😍😍🤑🛐) , sshe noticed it and let go of me. „Well, I'll go now. Cya at the party, lizard!" sshe waved at me before running off into her pesky castle. I growled and crossed my armss, sstill thinking about that „cookie that can catch my lizard eye", ugh... Why am I thinking sso much about it!? Itss just a bait to come to that party! I ssighed and looked over to my cave. Wasss it a bait though?..

Hollyberry castle, 8:56 PM

I looked to the left side eying Hollyberry, she looked fancy, of course. She looked up at me and smiled "I'm so glad you're here!" I narrowed my eyes at her "you did force me to go..." she rolled her eyes on my comment "no I didn't, I just convinced you to go! Now, let's go!!" She grabbed my hand and we both went inside of the castle. I was hesitant though.. I couldn't really hide my horns because of how big they are, some guests glanced at me with concerned looks, which made me uncomfortable. I tugged her hand and she looked up at me confused „people are starring at me. I want to leave." I whispered to her, she grinned and put her hand on my shoulder „calm down! You're not gonna be the only dragon here!" she whispered back. My eyes widened as I was about to ask who was she talking about until she looked at the entwarne and gasped at excitement. „Pitaya! You're here!!" she grabbed my arm and dragged me towards that „Pitaya" she was talking about.  "I only came here for that coo- BERRY JUICEEE!!!" They suddenly cut themselves off and running towards the table full of food. She laughed and I just gave her a stare, "is that the particular 'cookie' you were talking about?" I asked her slowly still glaring at her, she laughed it off again while grabbing my shoulder "yeah! Their name is Pitaya!"  Hollyberry....Cheerful as always... She's the only cookie that didn't scream and run away in terror from my glare, instead she just laughs it off.. I looked at the weird...cookie? Wait.. "Hollyberry...Is that-" "mhhmm..." my eyes widened again as I looked at Hollyberry in shock, it was a dragon! Dragon just like me! I started to look back and forth while she barked laughing "YOUR FACE! HAHAHA ! I KNEW IT WAS WORTH IT!" She laughed while removed a tear from her eye, Pitaya looked back at Hollyberry with berry juice in their arm, then at me. We both stared at eachother, examining. "What a weird hat you're having." They said while taking a sip of their berry juice. I blinked and glared at him, "like I have a choice wearing it." I whispered quietly while looking away, they snorted and moved closer to me and looked just up at me, (TALL Y/N DADDY/MOMMY SUPERMACY😔😔🙏🛐🛐🛐) I looked down at them and we stared at eachother for a moment, until- "HA!" "HEY!-" they jumped and took my hat! Now everyone will see my horns!

L:&:&:&: 3rd Person pov😋

"HEY!-" Y/N yelled while instantly trying to cover their horns, all the people stopped from what they were doing and looked at both of them. Pitaya looked shocked while Hollyberry was just smiling nervously. " you're a dragon?!?" Pitaya yelled while flying up to look at Y/N's horns and face "Ha! And I thought you would've guessed it sooner!" Hollyberry added after a few seconds of silence. Y/N sighed, and plopped his tail and wings "yes, I'm a dragon.." Y/N sighed and looked away. Pitaya was like 😧😳😳😳 llMAAOAO
Anyways Hollyberry smirked when she saw Pitayas face, "why is your face red, lizard?" Pitaya and Y/N looked at Hollyberry while everyone started not to give any single fucks about them. "What'sss wrong with it?.." Pitaya asked slowly while sweating a little, Y/N looked at them and instantly realised what Hollyberry was yapping about. Even though their dough is red, you still could see faint pink in his cheeks. „Are you..Blushing??" Y/N asked while looking at him like he's insane. „WHAT?! NO I AM NOT!" Their voice became raspy while their face became even more red, Hollyberry laughed while Y/N just eyes him curiously, yet sternly. "Oh don't give them that stare! " she grabbed both of them in a hug so they would ooze in each other, Y/N had a slight blush on their face  while Pitaya was a blushing and screeching mess. Hollyberry squeezed both of them harder and glared at them. "Now wheres my gifts?.."


Everything went good, Y/N and Pitaya got their ass beat by Hollyberry. Hollyberry, Dark Cacao (caca), Pure Vanilla (virgin)  and  Golden Cheese (Cheetos) were laughing and hanging out like true old friends, they also drank berry juice. Pitaya drank way too much. Pitaya wrapped a hand around Y/N's shoulder while laughing literally nothing.

Pitaya looked at him like an idiot and gave him some more berry juice "gobble upp!!!.." (girl wobble it and ima gobble it😩😩) Pitaya cheered while clicking bottles with Y/N. Y/N didn't drink a lot but still was pretty drunk. Y/N clicked it and grabbed their lower back instead of their shoulder. Pitaya looked at him and smirked a little, grabbing his shoulder while raising a brow.


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