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There was a palace in the middle of the ocean, in the middle of all 4 ancient islands. The main leaders of the islands are Dragons that lived there for many generations, but the beautiful golden yet extremely dangerous palace wasn't in the middle for a long time. In fact, it got here recently! Well, cookies think that.

In actuality, the palace was there long before all of those 4 islands. It was just under water for many, MANY, centuries. Who's the leader of the palace you may ask? Longan Dragon Cookie. The oldest, the wisest, and the strongest out of all 5 Dragons.

Lotus Dragon Cookie and Pitaya Dragon Cookie DESPISE them! Wanting to get rid of cookies to get "perfect world" back when it wont come back! They really need to get a grip and grow the fuck up! But other one (the smallest one), named Lychee Dragon Cookie, was OBSESSED with Longan Dragon Cookie.

They were so happy when they woke up! They've waited so long for this! And too be honest, one of the 3 dragons that supposed to hate Longan Dragon Cookie, is actually glad they're back. Their name is Ananas Dragon Cookie. Shocking, I know.

Even though they hid the fact that they're happy that they're back, they also secretly found them way more attractive than eons ago.  They looked so beautiful... Their glare that can turn everyone to stone within a minute.. Their masculine body type and listeriosis light peach-blond hair... Even through Ananas Dragon Cookie  didn't admit it, they were pretty attracted to them.

One day though, everything changed for the dragons. I'm a bad way for Lotus Dragon Cookie and Pitaya Dragon Cookie, but not for Ananas Dragon Cookie. They've woken up from their long slumber, and instantly got a grand plan of getting rid of all cookies in Earthbread. Lychee Dragon Cookie instantly joined them, helping them make this plan come true.

Ever since Longan Dragon cookie woke up, Ananas Dragon Cookie has been DREAMING about Longan Dragon Cookie. It feels like they've went head over heels for the Dragon that wants to destroy every single cookie on Earthbread. But, cmon, you can't blame them! Longan Dragon Cookie is beautiful! And you know it!

So when Longan Dragon Cookie came to investigate Tropical Soda Islands, Ananas Dragon cookie thought about making a little chat with them.


"Longan Dragon Coo-"
"Longan Dragon. Don't Call me the species that I despise."
"...Longan Dragon."
So there they were. Longan Dragon towering over them as they tried to keep it professional without having a huge ass boner. Their piercing glare sees right through them, Ananas Dragon Cookie even thinks that they know what they're thinking of right now.

"Ananas Dragon, you seem to be in awe when you look at me, why?" Longan Dragon Cookie slightly raised their eyebrow, starring down at them like a pile of pancakes😍😍😍😍 "I..." Ananas Dragon Cookie seemed to lose all of their words in the throat. Why were they so nervous?! They were confident literally a minute ago!

"Speak up, Ananas Dragon."
"I... I want to join you, Longan Dragon. I want to see the world in destruction and cookies on our feet as you turn their pathetic bodies into stone. I want to rule the world... With you."


But Longan Dragon Cookie wasn't shocked, not at all. They looked more pleased than that.
"I knew that you were the wisest Dragon from all 3, no wonder you are my favourite Dragon out of all 4."  Ananas Dragon Cookies Eyes went wide as they said that. I mean, of course they would be their favourite! But... It was so shocking at the same time.

"What?! I thought your favourite Dragon was Lychee Dragon!"
"Lychee Dragon can be arrogant and unpleasant at times, but you..." Longan Dragon Cookie slowly reached their hand out to cup Ananas Dragon Cookies cheek. Ananas Dragon Cookie blushed, hard. They gently grabbed Longan Dragon Cookies hand.

"You are perfect."
"Longan Dragon..."

And suddenly, everything went so fast. They gently kissed each other, since both of them were introverts that were isolated from everything for eons, they both were bad at kissing. They were like.... Statues? I guess? But after few moments, they both melted to the kiss. Ananas Dragon Cookie moving their hands behind Longan Dragon Cookies neck, and Longan Dragon Cookies hands moved to Ananas Dragon Cookies waist.

They continued to kiss for idk 5 minutes straight, and turned back because they needed air. When they both turned away from each other, Longan Dragon Cookie instantly moved to their neck, breathing into it for a few seconds until biting them hard. Ananas Dragon Cookie gasped as they put their hands behind Longan Dragon Cookies Head, bringing them closer.

After making a few visible love bites and licking each hickey they did, they moved away from their neck  and looked at them directly in the eyes.  "Ananas Dragon, before I accept your offer, I will test you." Longan Dragon Cookie whispered as they slowly slid their hand to Ananas Dragon Cookies crotch. Ananas Dragon cookie let out a shaky breath and looked at Longan Dragon Cookie wide eyed.

"I want to see if you're truly worthy of my presence."


And there they were, fucking HARD. Longan Dragon Cookie thrusted both of their huge hard cocks into Ananas Dragon Cookie while stroking them. Ananas Dragon Cookie cried out from the pleasure they were receiving from their superior.

"L-Long-AhH!~ Longan Dragon!!~ Faster!!" Ananas Dragon Cookie yelled as they clawed the earth. Longan Dragon Cookie just silently huffed and went faster while closing their eyes, trying to not make a sound and make themself look WEAK.

"I'm- HAah!~ I'm c-clOse!~ MnnAhh!!~" They moaned loudly as they arched their back. Longan Dragon Cookie ignored their scream as they did few final thrusts until cumming inside of them. Ananas Dragon Cookie started to shake for a few seconds while moaning. Unfortunately for Ananas Dragon cookie though, Longan Dragon Cookie suddenly pulled their cocks out of them, causing a small confused whimper.

Ananas Dragon Cookie panted as they looked at them, annoyed. "Why did you stop?! I was about to cum!" They growled as they flapped their tail in annoyance. Longan Dragon Cookie gave them a glare for a second before calming down.

"Who said that we are done?" Ananas Dragon Cookie looked at them confused and was about to question them until Longan Dragon Cookie suddenly placed a hand to their chest, preventing them from moving. Ananas Dragon cookie blushed and instantly had 2 boners going up again.

"Since your hole is stretched out enough,  it will fit just in order." They said calmly as they entered their long fingers inside of their hole, but they weren't just doing that, but they also were slowly shoving their hand more into them. Ananas Dragon Cookie moaned loudly as they shakily crossed their legs on Longan Dragon Cookies waist.

As Ananas Dragon Cookie was moaning like a bitch, Longan Dragon Cookie shoved their hand deeper and deeper until all you could see is his wrist. Longan Dragon Cookie stopped for a few moments for Ananas Dragon Cookie to get used to it, since they didn't want them to get hurt.

After a few minutes, Longan Dragon Cookie slowly and gently (because they have Claws 😍😍😍) curled their fingers into their fist, and also started to thrust their fist right at their prostate. Ananas Dragon Cookie moaned while having little bit tears on their eyes from the pleasure, even though they've never been fisted, but oh god it felt so good!!

Longan Dragon Cookie started to go faster and faster until they literally did 4 thrusts per second, literally punching their prostate. Ananas Dragon Cookie cried out while throwing their head back, their whole body in pleasure.

"AHHH!!~ I-I'm- IM CUMMINGG!!-" and suddenly, Ananas Dragon Cookie came ropes of pearly white in their chest. Longan Dragon Cookie started to slowly slow down until stopping completely and removing their hand. Ananas Dragon Cookie panted as they practically looked at nothing.

Longan Dragon Cookie looked at them for a few moments until picking them up.
"Oh Longan Dragon... I love you so much..." Ananas Dragon Cookie whispered until blacking out  and sleeping like a fucking baby beu😭😭

Longan Dragon Cookie quickly pecked their lips and stared at them.

"...I love you too."

Sone cookies rlly like x male reader because I say so (and some ship oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now