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After an... Rather embarrassing defeat.. We don't really know what happened to Mystic Flour Cookie after Dark Cacaos transformation. Did she crumble? Did she go back to the Silver Tree? Did she turn into flour? Did she finally find peace?

Nah, she just stayed in her cave or whatever it's called and suffered from embarrassment.

How could she fail so hard?! How did this happen?! How did... How did he do that?! She took everything from him! And yet suddenly he got overpowered and completely beat her ass?!

When you came to her palace to check on her, you found her on her knees barely sitting while looking so weak and shameful... You instantly ran up to her, checking if everything's alright, she's your wife after all!

Well, she was rather bruised up, very bruised up. And she STANK. "..What the hell did he do to you?!!" You clenched your fists as she looked at you dumbfounded.

"Dark Cacao Cookie suddenly overpowered me... And that was so hot too..."
"Girl what! He destroyed yo ass and you're wet over it?"
"It's.. A fetish of mine."
"Oh I'm going to kink shame the FUCK out of you when I'm back!" You yelled as you started to run towards to palace doors. "Where are you going?" Mystic Flour Cookie looked at you with surprisingly worried look. You looked back at her, having shiny anime eyes...

"I'm going to take revenge for you... Mystic Flour-chan..."
"Y/N- kun..."


You came into Dark Cacao Kingdom, and you instantly turned into a meat popsicle (DONT TAKE IT THE WRONG WAY OLLEAASEE😭😭💀💀). Why the hell is it so cold here?! Holy hell! You did a little "bbrrr" sound and decided to fly to his citadel, making it even WORSE for you.

You broke into a random window in the citadel, making little bit of snow falling to the carpets. "Ughhh... Owie... I got some glass in my toe.." you whispered as you got into a sitting position. You desperately tried to take that glass, but it just wouldn't budge!

Finally, you took it off, you made a little "ARGHHH FUCKK IT HURTSS" sound as you grabbed your toe in pain. You were squealing like a pig and DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE DARK CACAO COOKIE STANDING AT THE DOOR STARRING AT YOU.

You looked at him. Silence. Very awkward silence. Well, until Dark Cacao Cookie pulled his sword out.

You got up, ignoring the pain, uhm, trying to ignore it. "I'm here to fuck y- I mean beat you up Dark Cacao Cookie!" You pointed your finger at him while standing on one foot, jumping slightly from the snow on the floor.

He starred at you dumbfounded, what did you just say? "..Do what to me?" He asked while eyeing you. "You heard me!"
"No, you said something but then you switched to "beating" me. What were you about to say?" Dark Cacao Cookie put his sword to the side, and completely lost his guard. You really don't know why, wait, never mind, you know why. You looked stupid..

Suddenly you flew behind him and pushed him to the floor as you locked the door, in case if the guards will show up. Dark Cacao Cookie grunted as he scratched his cheek with the window glass that's on the floor. You pinned him down as you both started to wrestle, you laughing a bit as you seemed to win!

Suddenly, Dark Cacao Cookie kicked you with both of his legs, making you fly and stumble to his king sized bed. "OW MY PP!" You yelled as you rolled to the side while holding your crotch. Dark Cacao Cookie looked at you like you're a fucking idiot, which you are ofc☺️

"Who are you and what are you doing in my citadel?!" He yelled as he grabbed your shoulder, rolling back so you stared right at him. You suddenly rolled sides to you were on top of HIM now! "Y/N Cookie." You simply answered. He analysed you for couple of moments, as his eyes slowly narrowed.

"You're one of those... Beasts, are you not?"
"Yeah I am!" You chuckled. Dark Cacao Cookie sighed and closed his eyes for couple of seconds, until glaring at you again. "I will give you two options. Either you will leave the citadel and never come back, or I will end it all with slicing you with my sword!" His eyes furrowed as he bared his teeth, his glare turning darker.

"What about the third option."

When he was about to question you, you suddenly lifted his leg and turned each other around again, so he was typically sitting on your crotch. Dark Cacao Cookie blushed deep brown as his usual dark eyes turned wide eyed.

"Eassyy, Dark Chocolate. I don't want you to melt." (W rizz)

Dark Cacao Cookie starred at you, as he got an instant boner from this, how? Idk ask him.. While you? You also got a boner, Dark Cacao Cookie is even feeling it rubbing against his waist! And obviously it was huge, you were a beast after all! (IN BOTH WAYS)

"What... What is the meaning of this?!" He stuttered out, even though he perfectly knows what you're planning to do. "Oh cmon now, you're not stupid, you know what I'm on about! But if you don't want it we can brawl physically, of course." You chuckled. He thought for a few moments, until giving a slight huff, typically agreeing to this type of "brawl".

You smirked as you rub your bulge against his waist. He silently grunted as he helped you by rubbing himself, pretty roughly. You both were grunting from pleasure??? I think???? Yes.

And so you both started to strip each other, you both also stared at each other, to make this more interesting! When Dark Cacao Cookie FINALLY fully stripped and was about to remove his hat, until you stopped him. He looked at you puzzled as you smirked at him.

"It makes you look prettier."
"Are you calling me unpleasant to look at?"
You yelled as you suddenly harshly thrusted into him, making him gasp. Your dick instantly went to his womb, making a little ball in his stomach. His hips shook as he struggled, whimpering from pain. You placed your hands on his hips as you caressed him while silently praising him.

After a few moments, you started thrusting into him. He moaned, his fists angrily  holding onto the sheets.  "Hnng~.." Dark Cacao Cookie silently grunted as he bared his teeth as he helped you fuck him.

"ARGH FUCK YOURE SO TIGHTFT😩😩😩" you screamed as you suddenly went BADONKAS. Dark Cacao Cookie moaned loudly as he instantly came from how fast you started to go. You grabbed his dick as you thrusted harder into him, slapping his goldfish ass.

2 hours passed.... And then 3 hours.... And then 4...

Dark Cacao Cookie was, a mess. Hair strings sticked to his face from how sweat he is, has such submissive eyes that you'd think that he's no warrior at all! His hips red and full of cum and his fuck angrily throbbed from overstimulation. He was typically chocking on his own sobs while you moved like a sex machine.

You on the other hand, was completely fine. You were a beast, so you could go for HOURS. You also remember one time when you fucked with Mystic Flour Cookie for 8 hours straight, it was so fun but yet so tiring, typically a world record for both of you! But Dark Cacao Cookie isn't a beast, so fine, you will have mercy on that loser.

You abused his very abused prostate repeatedly as you decided to cum inside of him one last time. Dark Cacao Cookie arched his back and pulled his head back in insane overstimulation as he came for idk 50gh time🔥🔥

You groaned and came inside of his abused womb, probably making him pregnant, just probably. He was shacking like a leaf while passing out on your chest from exhaustion, not even pulling out from you.

You chuckled, you're not even exhausted! So you think you won this battle. You pulled out from him and got out of bed, instantly turning into a meat popsicle again. THE WINDOW IS STILL OPEN AND OH MY GOD THE ROOM IS COMPLETELY STUFFED ON SNOW.

You instantly got back to bed and cuddled with Dark Cacao Cookie, still feeling intense heat from him. He was soooo warm... You might go to sleep with that heat! You were about to drift to sleep until you suddenly heard a door opening.

"Your majesty! Are you okay?! Your window is-" some short bitch that looks like a furry suddenly opened the door and starred at both of you. You and him, and he on you.


"Get out of here until I'll throw you off from that window." You growled as you glared at him, making him stare at you wide eyed.

"Aren't you one of those beasts-"

Sone cookies rlly like x male reader because I say so (and some ship oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now