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(Btw thank for the request Nanzooooo🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🫃)

You were once just a plain void, nothing. You felt nothing, you've heard nothing, nor seen. Until.. A cookie from the skies created "deities" as she says. You became one of them. You became one of her *creations*..

Ever since you were created you were confused, confused of why she created you. You weren't doing anything! There was Rain Deity, Wind Deity, for God sake even cloud Deity! Yet you... Were a deity of nothing.

Maybe it has to go this way? Maybe if you wait long enough, you'll get a power one day! But.. But you didn't want to wait! You want it now! Yes, you were the youngest of those deities, but that's not an excuse! So today, you'll confront Stormbringer cookie about it.  

She was looking down at the cookies, doing their business as usual. She yawned, all of this was getting pretty boring. Before she could walk away, you came in. "Oh, Y/N deity! What are you doing here?" She asked while rising an  eyebrow. Stormbringer was smiling, but you looked serious.

"Stormbringer cookie.." you whispered. Why did you feel so nervous suddenly? Minutes ago you extremely confident! But now..
"What's wrong? What's with the sower face?" Stormbringer cookie snapped you out of your thoughts, she stopped smiling, since she sensed something was wrong.

"Why did you create me?" You asked while looking at her. She was silent for a few moments while her eyebrows furrowed. "..why are you asking?" She questioned back. "Answer my question." You said.

Her eyes furrowed as she also seemed to turn serious. It was silent for a few moments, until you spoke again. "I don't have any powers, I'm not helping anyone.. Why?" You asked again, this time looking at her. "You'll get them soon enough! You just need to grow up a little-" "I'm a grown ass man Stormbringer cookie!" You yelled at her (HELP LMAOGOGOGO)

Stormbringer cookie crossed her arms and looked away, you figured out that it in fact wasn't because of age. But you started thinking something else.
"..Am I a mistake?" You asked her again. She gasped and quickly put her hands on your shoulders. "Of course not! I created you with an intention!" "What intention?! For me just to sit here and do nothing?!" "Y/N! Speak to your Goddess with respect!" She snarled. You growled, trying to keep your calm. Why are you so angry all of the sudden??

"Y/N you have to understand that deities don't need powers to be deities. And even if you wont get your powers, we'll still love you however you are!" I mean, you know that. But it's still unfair. Others have powers while you don't? You looked down, clenching your fists. "..I feel useless Stormbringer cookie. And I'm tired of it.." you whispered.

You felt like you're about to tear up, but you try to keep yourself in control. But unfortunately for you, Stormbringer cookie noticed your reaction. "Hey, hey! Don't you dare cry! Right in front of me?!" She said while flying to you, and putting her hands to your shoulders (you're taller obv😈😈😈).

You looked at her again, your eyes are a little glossy. "You're NOT useless, I created you. And everything that I make, is pure!" She wiped few tears from your eyes as she put your hand on your cheek. "Who cares if you don't have powers?" She said, smiling. You put your hand on her hand that is on your cheek, smiling a little.

"I..I guess you're right, Stormbringer cookie.."

"you guess?! You know I'm right!"

Sone cookies rlly like x male reader because I say so (and some ship oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now